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A sacrifice was offered to the spirit of the road on commencing a journey, and we see here that it was offered also in connexion with the king's going to the ancestral temple or the border altar. It does not appear clearly what sacrifices the poet had in view here. I think they must be all those in which the kings of Kau appeared as the principals or sacrificers.

Sir James, do you hear that? 'Indeed, then, and it's true, and not a word of a lie! said the honest landlord. 'And this minute, we've got a directory of five of them abigails, sitting within in our house; as fine ladies, as great dashers, too, every bit as their principals; and kicking up as much dust on the road, every grain! Think of them, now!

The sudden demand caused something like consternation, and the members asked to be allowed to consider the matter with their principals before taking so momentous a decision. Three days were granted but, as it was essential to prevent publicity, it was settled that only the burgomasters should be consulted, again under oath of secrecy.

It should be observed that none of the principals sing in these "operas": they couldn't. It is true that many singers, thorough musicians Matthew Locke, for instance, and Purcell's own father were also actors, or at least spoken of as actors.

'Evidently not, responded the Doctor, 'unless they brain each other with the hair-brush, or take a pop at each other with the cologne-bottle. 'You are quite sure there are no pistols in the valise? said one of the principals, with suppressed eagerness, and drawing a long breath of evident relief. 'We might go over to the city and get pistols, proposed the Captain.

"We're to find out her standin', Roop," he began again with a more judicious blending of ease and technicality, "and her contracts, if any, and where she lives and her way o' life, and examine her books and papers ez to marriages and sich, and arbitrate with her gin'rally in conversation you inside the house and me out on the pavement, ready to be called in if an interview with business principals is desired."

The money was gathered together from the various sources designated by the robbers, and when counted was found to be almost the whole sum originally put in the safe, The robbery was committed in the latter part of October, and the early part of the following January found the principals wearing the convicts' stripes,

I should like to repeat it to my principals I must go up to town in any event this afternoon. Better let me have all those documents, Mr. Dennie I'll give you a proper receipt for them. There's something very valuable in them, anyhow." "What?" asked Copplestone. "The address in St. Louis from which that Marston Greyle wrote to Bassett Oliver." replied Gilling.

I only repeat what Blansac himself reported in his defence, which was equally ill-received by the King and the public, but which had no contradictors, for nobody was witness of what took place at Blenheim except those actually there, and they all, the principals at least, agreed in their story. What some of the soldiers said was not of a kind that could altogether be relied upon.

While the slave restored the tent and wares to the box under the houdah, and the Arab brought up the horses, the three principals laved themselves in the pool. In a little while they were retracing their steps back through the wady, intending to overtake the caravan if it had passed them by.