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Updated: August 5, 2024

The Church of England has been freely accused of too great complaisance to the powers that be, when those powers were oligarchic. Some of the clergy are now trying to repeat, rather than redress, this error, by an obsequious attitude to King Working-man. But the Church ought to be equally proof against the vultus instantis tyranni and the civium ardor prava iubentium.

Non civium ardor prava jubentium Non vultus instantis tyranni Mente quatit solida. Here was the 'vultus instantis tyranni, in this stout, be-wigged, lace-covered, yellow-faced man in front of me. I had obeyed the poet in so far that my courage had not been shaken. I confess that this spinning dust-heap of a world has never had such attractions for me that it would be a pang to leave it.

The very secrecy of their deliberations, of which I shall presently speak, is ample proof how indifferent they were to popular applause and the civium ardor prava jubentium. The convention had been slow in assembling. Ample notice had been given that it would convene on May 13, 1787, but when that day arrived a mere handful of the delegates, less than a quorum, had assembled.

"Verum est pro te, it's thrue for you," says his Riv'rence, forgetting the idyim ov the Latin phwraseology in a manner. "Prava est tua Latinitas, domine," says the Pope, finding fault like wid his etymology. "Parva culpa mihi," "small blame to me, that's," says his Riv'rence, "nam multum laboro in partibus interioribus," says he the dear man! that never was at a loss for an excuse!

* On this subject see Tchitcherin, "Opyty po istorii Russkago prava," Moscow, 1858, p. 162 et seq.; and Lokhvitski, "O plennykh po drevnemu Russkomu pravu," Moscow, 1855. Under these circumstances it was only natural that those who possessed this valuable commodity should do all in their power to keep it.

One might decipher it wrought into the wall of the apse under the stones of the frieze, in quaint lettering that tempted to the perusal and endowed the mastered motto with the impressiveness of a rite for the legend assumed a quality of mystery, being much defaced from time. "Hoc circa templum sit jus mercatoribus æqum, pondera ne vergant nec sit conventio prava."

There cannot a worse state of things be imagined than where wickedness comes to be legitimate, and assumes, with the magistrates' permission, the cloak of virtue: "Nihil in speciem fallacius, quam prava religio, ubi deorum numen prxtenditur sceleribus." The extremest sort of injustice, according to Plato, is where that which is unjust should be reputed for just.

This index to his whole subsequent conduct was sanctioned by the approbation of both houses of Congress, and by the approving voice of the people. "To this sublime policy he invariably adhered, unmoved by foreign intrusion, unshaken by domestic turbulence. "'Justum et tenacem propositi virum, Non civium ardor prava jubentium, Non vultus instantis tyranni Mente quatit solida.

The bringing of heathenish or Jewish rites into the church is altogether condemned by them, yea, though the customs and rites of the heathen be received into the church for gaining them, and drawing them to the true religion, yet is it condemned as proceeding ex κακαζηλίᾳ seu prava Ethnicorum imitatione.

Whittle, vicar of Forthington. There were then with the knight Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Ralph Horsey, Mr. Carew Raleigh, Mr. John Fitzjames, etc. Towards the end of supper, some loose speeches of Mr. Carew Raleigh's being gently reproved by Sir Ralph Horsey with the words Colloquia prava corrumpunt bonos mores, Mr.

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