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Aveling has compiled extensive statistics on all varieties of postmortem deliveries, collecting 44 cases of spontaneous expulsion of the fetus after death of the mother.

Van Cuyck of Brussels in 1824 delivered a child which died on the third day from malnutrition. Postmortem it was found that the inferior extremity of the esophagus to the extent of about two inches was converted into a ligamentous cord.

Gundry cared little what any body said concerning his honor, or courage, or such like; but the thought of a whisper against his hospitality would rouse him. "Find him, Firm, find him," he said, in his deep sad voice, as he sat down on the antlered stump and gazed at the fire gloomily. "And when he is found, call a public postmortem, and prove that we gave him his bellyful."

This inscription is copied from a triangular-shaped piece of slate, still preserved in the garret of the Nutter House, together with the pistol butt itself, which was subsequently dug up for a postmortem examination. In the course of ten days I recovered sufficiently from my injuries to attend school, where, for a little while, I was looked upon as a hero, on account of having been blown up.

I committed what is known as the Glove Lane Murder on the night of November the 27th last in the following way" on and on to the last words "We didn't want to die; but we could not bear separation, and I couldn't face letting an innocent man be hung for me. I do not see any other way. I beg that there may be no postmortem on our bodies.

As we passed over the edge of the slope in the gathering gloom, Heda cried "Look!" and pointed in the direction whence we came. Far away a sheet of flame shot upwards. "The house is burning," she exclaimed. "Yes," I said, "it can be nothing else;" adding to myself, "a good job too, for now there will be no postmortem on old Marnham." Who fired the place I never learnt.

"I don't think that at the time any one in the room realized how important the doctor's statement was, a statement which, by the way, was confirmed in all its details by the district medical officer, who had conducted the postmortem. Mrs. Hazeldene had died suddenly from an injection of prussic acid, administered no one knew how or when.

"She's right!" declared Aunt Abby. "I can't see, doctor, why it is necessary to have a postmortem. I don't approve of such things. Surely you can, somehow discover what Mr. Embury died of and if not, what matter? He's dead, and nothing can change that! It doesn't seem to me that we have to know " "Pardon me, Miss Ames, it is necessary that I should know the cause of the death.

His mother was a worthy, patient kind of woman, who fell asleep every minute, even while she was speaking. She died shortly after, and it was discovered at the postmortem examination that she had a disease of the brain which caused her extreme propensity to sleep.

He was a hard drinker and had been aspirated several times, gas heavily laden with odors of the milk of asafetida being discharged with a violent rush. The man finally died of his malady, and at postmortem it was found that his stomach had burst, showing a slit four inches long. The gall bladder contained two quarts of inspissated bile.