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Updated: August 29, 2024

They rubbed their shins on their thin calves and appeared bewildered and uncertain. 'Portez

I think I understand, now, why a certain line in her copy of Baudelaire was marked with that derisive exclamation-point on the margin: "Fuyez l'infini que vous portez en vous." "Fuyez?" it seemed to say. "Why 'fuyez'?" Fulfil it! Soriano

The command from his instructor such as "portez armes," "armes a gauche," "a droit" sounded strangely in Paul's ears. During his previous military career with the freebooting revolutionists of Mexico, there had been no drill whatever. Before the orders arrived to proceed to the front, he was sufficiently acquainted with the commands and terms to pass muster with any in the company.

Jorrocks, all politeness, took off his chapeau, and no sooner was it in the air, than with a wild exclamation of surprise and delight, the groom screamed, "Oh, Monsieur Shorrock, mon ami, comment vous portez vous?" threw his arms round the Colonel's neck, and kissed him on each cheek.

... Vous portez la dame en verde targe Pour démonstrer que de hardi visage Vous vous voulez pour les dames tenir Contre ceulz qui leur porteront dommage! “Le Musée Jacquemart-André,” Gazette des Beaux-Arts, August 1912.

Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! into such French as 'Comment vous portez vous, Monsieur Macbeth; comment vous portez vous, Monsieur Thane de Cawdor! A translation must pass through the medium of another mind, and other minds like Shakspeare's are hard to find."

"Madame," says a scavenger in the streets of Paris, laying his hand on his heart, and making a low bow to an old woman cleaning shoes at the door of an inn, "J'espere que vous vous portez bien." "Monsieur," she replies, dropping a curtsey with an air of gratitude and profound respect, "Vous me faites d'honneur; je me porte a merveille."

"Fuyez l'infini que vous portez en vous" a line which, in my friend's copy of the book, had been marked on the margin with a derisive exclamation-point. The figure of one woman. Reading these "Fleurs du Mal" we realise, not for the first time, that there is something to be said in favour of libertinage for a poet.

En attendant, j'ai hate de vous remercier de tout ce que vous me dites sur ma situation actuelle et sur l'interet que vous y portez. Je vous remercie egalement de ce que vous avez ecrit sur ce sujet a la fin du dernier numero de la Revue d'Edimbourg. On sent en lisant ce morceau combien celui qui l'a ecrit aime et connait bien la France. Il a ete fort remarque chez nous.

He had been educated so well; he spoke French so correctly, with a Parisian accent; and she scarcely knew how to say "Bonjour" and "Comment vous portez vous?" It is true that her parents were entirely ignorant of French, but that did not make things any better for her.

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