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Police-Constable Burgess, who was approaching from the other direction, reached it at almost the same moment, and, turning on his lantern, stood gaping with astonishment. "Anything wrong?" he demanded. "Wrong?" panted the sergeant-major, trying to put a little surprise and dignity into his voice. "No." "I thought it was a lady walking in her sleep at first," said the constable. "A tall lady."

When I inquired of the police-constable on duty at the town mortuary to be allowed to view the body of the murdered man, he regarded me, I thought, with considerable suspicion. My request was an unusual one. Nevertheless, he took me up a narrow alley, unlocked a door, and I found myself in the cold, gloomy chamber of death.

The advertisement of Mr Small did not escape the keen eye of the police-constable who had arrested our hero as the reader must recollect the arrest was made so quietly that no one was aware of the circumstance, and as the reward of 100 pounds would be a very handsome addition to the 200 pounds which he had already received the man immediately set off for Portsmouth on the outside of the coach, and went to Mr Small, where he found him in the counting-house with Mr Sleek.

What occurred during that time has not yet transpired, but at a quarter to twelve Police-constable Barrett, passing along Godolphin Street, observed that the door of No. 16 was ajar. He knocked, but received no answer. Perceiving a light in the front room he advanced into the passage and again knocked, but without reply. He then pushed open the door and entered.

In raising the child, I had drawn it aside out of the main thoroughfare, and this took place among some wooden hoardings and barriers and ruins of demolished buildings, hard by Temple Bar. Unexpectedly, from among them emerged a genuine police-constable, before whom the dreadful brood dispersed in various directions, he making feints and darts in this direction and in that, and catching nothing.

"I inquired if any one had been arrested on suspicion of the crime in question, and a police-constable answered that such was the case, and that, as they had been taken to the town on Sunday, they had been kept in the police-station over night, and after that had been obliged to go on foot to gaol, accompanied by two constables."

The body of the constable garbed in plain clothes followed the face and, standing before him in a menacing fashion, held out a broken helmet and staff. "Have you seen these afore?" he inquired, in a terrible voice. "No," said Mr. Gunnill, with an attempt at surprise. "What are they?" "I'll tell you what they are," said Police-constable Jenkins, ferociously; "they're my helmet and truncheon.

Evidence relating to the circumstances in which the body was found was given by Police-Constable Flack. He described the position of the room in which the body was found, and the attitude in which the body was stretched. He was on duty in the neighbourhood of Tanton Gardens on the night of the murder, but saw no suspicious characters and heard no sounds.

He heard both exclamations and taunts. "Now then! now then!" came from the crowd. Nikolai only worked his way towards the door. If once he stood there ! "Ticket?" Nikolai did not answer. "Ticket, man? Ticket?" Nikolai only pressed boldly a step nearer. The police-constable made a movement, but met a look in Nikolai's face which made him feel justified in restraining himself.

When we rang up Seldon he came up here and brought Flack with him. He'll be only too glad to tell you anything you want to know." Rolfe took an official notebook from a breast pocket and proceeded to question the police-constable. The inspector made his way upstairs to the room in which the crime had been committed, for it was his system to seek inspiration in the scene of a crime.