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Updated: August 20, 2024

She hurried into her jacket and hat, and ran across town to see Miss 'Rill; for, after all, the little spinster was her dearest and closest friend in Poketown. But was this Miss 'Rill this frantic, wild-eyed creature, hatless and with her hair flying, who came running down High Street just as Janice reached the corner of the street on which Hopewell Drugg's store was situated?

The cellar walls of the new schoolhouse were laid, and then the framework went up, and finally the handsome edifice was finished upon the outside. Really, Poketown was fairly startled by the appearance of the new building. Some of the very people who had been opposed to the thing were won over by its appearance. "Hi tunket!" exclaimed Mr.

There, spread broadcast by the types, was the story of how Janice had come to Poketown alone, a brief picture of her loneliness without her father, something of the free reading-room Janice had been the means of establishing, and a description of the flight down the lake on the Fly-by-Night on Christmas morning, that she might gain further particulars of her father's fate.

"And then the first sight of Boston and the mud and the Common and Public Library, and the shops, and all, make me feel like I was livin' again. "Mabel says to me: 'How kin you live, Maw, most all the year in Poketown!

They're in spots; they ain't dribbled all through the town, mixed up with fine houses, and elegant squares, and boulevards. Nope. Cities know how to hide their poor spots in some ways. Boston puts its best foot forward, as the sayin' is. "But take it right here in Poketown. Now, ain't the good and the bad all shoveled together?

Broxton Day; yet Janice felt less need of running alone into the woods and fields to find that comfort about which she had told the minister. Besides, it soon grew too cold for frequent jaunts afield. The small streams and pools were icebound. Then, over the fir-covered heights, sifted the first snow of winter, and Poketown seemed suddenly tucked under a coverlet of white.

And she kept right on mentioning it until some people began to see that it was really a disgrace to Poketown and almost an insult to the flag itself to raise such a tattered banner. A grand silk flag, with new halyards and all, was finally obtained, the Congressman of the district having been interested in the affair.

A few of the merchants patterned after Hopewell Drugg, brightened up their stores, and exposed only fresh goods for sale. But these few changes only made the general run of Poketown institutions appear more slovenly. The contrast was that of a new pair of shoes, or a glossy hat, on a ragged beggar!

She'll be teachin' Poketown school when she has ter go on crutches." Most of the stores were "general" stores, and she did not believe there was much choice between them. Only she had an interest in Hopewell Drugg; so she proceeded to his dark little shop. Lottie sat upon a box nursing a rag doll, in the sunlight that came in at the side door.

"Janice, you're almost as good as a boy yourself!" he declared. "I'm not sorry a bit that you came to Poketown." Janice only laughed at him again; yet the boy's awkward earnestness warmed her heart. The girl was finding in these busy days the truest balm for her own worriments. Nothing more was heard of Mr.

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