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The light was dimming fast; it was nearly dark now, and the crickets were chirping in the distant meadows. Tom coughed, and came very near trying to whistle. Gypsy screwed the piano-stool round with a sudden motion, and went over to where Joy stood. Tom and his mother began to talk in a low voice, and the two girls were as if alone.

Miss Nibbs herself was worthy of some notice; perched upon the piano-stool, her flat feet barely reaching the pedals, and her ill-formed bulky figure swaying now on one side, now on another.

He continued to look at her while the unrest and expectancy of the audience rolled into billows of excitement. A staid, melancholy man, forerunner of the great artist, had appeared and performed his customary and cryptic function. "Why do they always screw up the piano-stool at the last moment!" Betty Jardine murmured. "Is it to pepper our tongues with anguish before the claret?

If Cope settled down in a large chair, Lemoyne would drape himself over the arm of it; and his hand would fall, as like as not, on the back of the chair, or even on Cope's shoulder. And when he came to occupy the piano-stool, Cope, standing alongside, would lay a hand on his. Mrs. Phillips noticed these minor familiarities and remarked on them to Foster, who had lately wheeled his chair in.

"Ever since ever since " suddenly she broke off breathlessly and throwing her arms above her head as though in appeal she cried: "Oh, I do want to improve meself. NOW I wish I HAD been born a lady. I'd be more worthy of " "WHAT? WHOM?" asked Jerry urgently and waiting anxiously for her answer. Peg regained control of herself, and cowering down again on to the piano-stool she went on hurriedly.

"I did rather do you that time," she allowed. "This is the return match. You won then. I win now," he told her, with a look that chilled. "Indeed! But isn't that rather discounting the future?" "Only the immediate future. Y'u're mine, my beauty, and I mean to take y'u with me." Just a disdainful sweep of her eyes she gave him as she rose from the piano-stool and rearranged the lamps.

Aunt Helen and Everard had vacated the drawing-room, so I plumped down on the piano-stool and dashed into Kowalski's galop, from that into "Gaite de Coeur" until I made the piano dance and tremble like a thing possessed. My annoyance faded, and I slowly played that saddest of waltzes, "Weber's Last". I became aware of a presence in the room, and, facing about, confronted Everard Grey.

When we had friends to dine with us, Eponine always knew that company was expected. She would look at her place, and if a knife, fork, and spoon lay near her plate she would immediately turn away and seat herself on the piano-stool, her invariable refuge.

Now, as she sat by the piano-stool, with shoulders hunched up and head poked forward, she looked so awkward and ungainly that Ruth's tried nerves suffered afresh at the sight. "For pity's sake, sit up, Trix!" she cried sharply. "You look a perfect object, bent double like that! You might be deformed, to look at your back!

Every now and then he dropped on the piano-stool for a few moments and made the instrument roar and thunder; once he played something peaceful and sad and even, in which one voice with tears in it ran away from another. The piano was in the next room, and whenever it began to sound, Lucy dropped her work into her lap and listened. At such time she had an alert, startled look.