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Updated: August 1, 2024

Whatever, keeping its proportion and form, is designed upon a scale much greater or much less than that of our general experience, produces upon the mind an effect of phantasy.

Greater actions elsewhere may be rife Than with us, in our contracted life But beneath the sun there's naught that's new; Yet we see the great of every age Pass before us on the world's wide stage Thoughtfully and calmly in review All. in life repeats itself forever, Young for ay is phantasy alone; What has happened nowhere, happened never, That has never older grown!

We found no "splendours of the golden prime of good Haroun Alraschid," but for all that the narrow streets looked romantic and weird. The sky had cleared and the moonlight had given a glamour of phantasy to the vistas of the street. Suddenly we came upon a scene of strange beauty and dramatic effect.

There was no sunshine, for a scirocco-storm raised clouds of dust and obscured the sky; the wind was bitterly cold. Finding it impossible to attune my phantasy to the picture of Marius and his soldiers, I descended once more. On the station turnpike I overtook a solitary foot-passenger, who plodded slowly along. It was the Polish Count.

Indeed, I will venture to say, that, how upright soever a man's intentions may be, he will, in the performance of such a task, be sometimes misled by his own phantasy, and represent objects, as they appeared to him, through the mists of prejudice and passion.

For all I know, all men may have been as timid; for I am persuaded that our intellects at twenty contain all the truths we shall ever find, but as yet we do not know truths that belong to us from opinions caught up in casual irritation or momentary phantasy.

When their idea reappeared for its fulfilment phantasy and imagery had temporarily worn themselves out, and the richer language made simplicity possible and adequate for poetry. There are other directions in which the classical revival influenced writing that need not detain us here.

A chill of awe fell over the lady of the feathers. She did not understand what he meant, and yet she felt as if he spoke the truth, as if this inexplicable mystery were yet indeed no fiction, no phantasy, but stern fact, and as if, strangely, she had at the back of her mind divined it, known it when she first knew Valentine, yet only realized it now that he himself told her. She did not speak.

IDENTITY. No absolute identity of two things exist, still less of several, 186. IDOLATERS, ancient, in the spiritual world, 78. IDOLATRY. Its origin, 78, 342. IJIM, the, in hell represent the images of the phantasies of the infernals, 264. See Phantasy. ILLUSTRATE, to, 42, 48*, 130, 134, &c. Obs. In the writings of the Author, to illustrate is generally used in the sense of to enlighten. Obs.

One infers you wish to put away childish sex-curiosity and fulfil your destiny as a parent. In this case symbolical value, not concrete value must be attached to the sexual phantasy." At this point, the dreamer makes free to admit that he is a bachelor, and that he would not be averse to marriage if he could manage to take a wife and at the same time keep up his research work. "Precisely," Dr.

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