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If Doctor Kittredge says it's safe, perfec'ly safe, I can't object to your goin', on sech conditions as seem to be fair to all' concerned. You will give up your pay for the whole time you are absent, portions of days to be caounted as whole days. You will be charged with board the same as if you eat your victuals with the household.

He lurched toward me indignantly. "You know perfec'ly well Jones is not my name. You know perfec'ly well who I am." "My dear sir," I said, "I don't know anything about you, except that your are a damned nuisance." He swayed from me, pained and surprised. Apparently he was upon an outbreak of tears. "Proud," he murmured, "AND haughty. Proud and haughty to the last."

If Doctor Kittredge says it's safe, perfec'ly safe, I can't object to your goin', on sech conditions as seem to be fair to all' concerned. You will give up your pay for the whole time you are absent, portions of days to be caounted as whole days. You will be charged with board the same as if you eat your victuals with the household.

"I didn't say we knew," was the cunning reply. "I said what's it worth if we did know." Mortlake drew out a yellow-backed bill. "Is this enough?" he asked. The tramps' eyes rounded as they gazed at the figure. "Perfec'ly satisfactory, guv'ner," said red eyes. "Well, where are those papers, then?" snapped Mortlake impatiently. "Thet thar purty gal wot jest went by in an autermobubble has 'em."

Peck; nothin' but what'll work itself off perfec'ly natural, give it time. It's goin' to come out all right." "Yes, at the day o' jedgment," Mrs. Bolton assented, plunging her fists into the dough, and beginning to work a contempt for her husband's optimism into it. "Yes, an' a good deal before," he returned.

An' Sonny, he behaved mighty purty; set up perfec'ly ca'm an' composed thoo it all, an' took everything in good part, though he didn't p'intedly know who was bein' baptized, 'cause, of co'se, he couldn't hear the words with the rain in his ears.

"Proud and haughty to the last." He then embraced a passing steward, and demanded to be informed why the ship rolled. He never knew a ship to roll as our ship rolled. "Perfec'ly satisfact'ry ocean, but ship rolling like a stone-breaker. Take me some place in the ship where this ship don't roll." The steward led him away. When he had dropped the local pilot the captain beckoned me to the bridge.

"Has he tauld ye himsel'?" asked my uncle. "That's my concern," said Alan. "Weel," said my uncle, "I dinna care what he said; he lee'd; and the solemn God's truth is this, that I gave him twenty pound. But I'll be perfec'ly honest with ye: forbye that, he was to have the selling of the lad in Caroliny, whilk would be as muckle mair, but no' from my pocket, ye see." "Thank you, Mr. Thomson.

"Not so many as you might think," turning her eyes upon him with coquettish challenge, "only Mr. Gray and Riley Caldwell, the printer on the Headlight." "Mr. Gray, the druggist?" "Yes, but he's too old for me!" Dora sighed, "forty if he's a day. He's got money, though, and he's perfec'ly grand on the pieanno. You ought to hear him play The Maiden's Prayer!" "I'll listen out for him.

"Weel," said my uncle, "I dinnae care what he said, he leed, and the solemn God's truth is this, that I gave him twenty pound. But I'll be perfec'ly honest with ye: forby that, he was to have the selling of the lad in Caroliny, whilk would be as muckle mair, but no from my pocket, ye see." "Thank you, Mr. Thomson.