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And didn't his nose touch me own?" "Did he look pale and excited?" asked the coroner. "No, yer Honor; his face was red as a brick, an', though it was a cowld night, he looked to be warm wid fasht walkin'." "Did he say anythin'?" "No; he only axed for a light." "Was his 'pearance 'spicious?" "No, yer Honor, more'n yer own. No offince to yez." "That'll do, Mr. O'Dougherty. Next witness."

"Whatebber has Buttsy done ter yo', Massa Jack, dat yo' should be obfendicated at his 'pearance in de present state ob de obsequies?" "Then the rooster accompanies the expedition," chuckled Jack. "Only remember, if we have to throw out anything to lighten ship, Buttsy goes first even before we are obliged to dispense with your services, Wash!"

"You must 'scuse ouah 'pearance, we des got ingaged." The fair Sally blushed unseen. "What!" cried Isaac. "Ingaged, aftah what I tol' you to-night." His face was a thundercloud. "Yes, suh." "An' is dat de way you stan' up fu' fo'destination?"

"You'se young, Marse Rupert, an' it 'ud be purty dang'rous for a onexperienced young gen'l'man ter lan' down in de midst er all dem onprinciple' Yankees with a claim to hundreds of thousan's of dollars. Marse Thomas, he's a settled, stiddy gen'l'man, en, frum what I hears, I guess he's got a mighty 'stablished-lookin' 'pearance." "I should like to see him," Rupert reflected aloud.

Well, sah, I didn't like de 'pearance ob dat man, an' I jes' t'ought I'd get anoder look at 'im, but he stayed a mighty long time, sah, an' bime'by I had to go to de tool-house, an' when I gets back the kerridge was gone." "Could you describe the man, Uncle Mose?" the coroner asked.

They are thin, eager, sinewy in ap' pearance, though it is the spareness of the Turk, not of the American. It comes from tobacco and the Guadarrama winds. This still, fine, subtle air that blows from the craggy peaks over the treeless plateau seems to take all superfluous moisture out of the men of Madrid. But it is, like Benedick's wit, "a most manly air, it will not hurt a woman."

Bellmont saw no ap- pearance of change for the better. She did not feel responsible for her spiritual culture, and hardly believed she had a soul. Nig was in truth suffering much; her feelings were very intense on any subject, when once aroused.

"I can manage very well. You go on and finish your dishes and I will make up the bed myself if you get the bed linen." Betty looked at Josie curiously. "Say, miss, you belies yo' looks. You got the 'pearance er these here folks but you ain't got they ways.

Take that potato-faced brother Jim of hers, f'r instance, that's a coyote in 'pearance an' a rattlesnake at heart. Why, Injun's a a prince of timber buck too compared t' him."