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Updated: August 4, 2024

The property is divided between Carry and her stepmother, with the explicit condition that Mrs. Starbottle shall become her legal guardian, provide for her education, and in all details stand to her IN LOCO PARENTIS." "What is the value of this bequest?" asked Mr. Robinson. "I cannot tell exactly, but not far from half a million, I should say," returned Prince.

The famous soldier and poet Douza, who had commanded the forces of Leyden during the immortal siege, addressed him on his admission to the university as "Magne peer magni dignissime cura parentis," in a copy of eloquent verses.

None of 'em have ever let me finish it. It gets just awful at the end part." "But why in the world didn't you explain to Mr. Prout, instead of leaving him under the impression ?" "Padre Sahib," said McTurk, "it isn't the least good explainin' to Mr. Prout. If he hasn't one impression, he's bound to have another." "He'd do it with the best o' motives. He's in loco parentis," purred Stalky.

Once upon a time, perhaps, I may have considered myself a connoisseur well, you know, Macleod, I once had a waist like the rest of you; but now, bless you, if a tolerably pretty girl only says a civil word or two to me, I begin to regard her as if I were her guardian angel in loco parentis, and that kind of thing and I would sooner hang myself than scan her dress or say a word about her figure.

And because he stood so in loco parentis, and because it seemed so inevitable that before long Jimmy would be in the arms of the Shepherd, and, of course, because it had been a trying day all through, Peter's lips were none too steady as he folded up the letter. The fire was dead in the stove; Peter put out the salon lamp and closed the shutters.

Only by a thoughtful pursing of his lips did he give indication that the news had any visible effect upon him. Anita continued, giving him all the details of the minister's visit, and the magnanimous promise of her father's three associates to stand in loco parentis toward her.

Only show me how, and I'm perfectly at your service. Any thing from riding postillion on the leaders to officiating as brides-maid, and I am your man. And if you are in want of such a functionary, I shall stand in 'loco parentis' to the lady, and give her away with as much 'onction' and tenderness as tho' I had as many marriageable daughters as king Priam himself.

"And you tipped him very handsomely, my dear Maria, too," said the good-natured Colonel, breaking in upon her sermon; but Virtue was not to be put off in that way. "And why, Colonel Newcome," Virtue exclaimed, laying a pudgy little hand on its heart; "why did I treat Clive so? Because I stood towards him in loco parentis; because he was as a child to me, and I to him as a mother.

Carlis, the great politician, promised some little time ago that they would stand in loco parentis toward you should your natural protector be removed. They desire me to tell you that you need have no anxiety for the immediate future. You will be cared for and provided with all that you have been accustomed to, just as if your father were alive." "Indeed?

'Welch is a jolly low character himself, said Tony, judicially. 'I wonder you associate with him, Alderman. 'Stand in loco parentis. Aunt of his asked me to keep an eye on him. "Dear George is so wild," she said. Before Welch could find words to refute this hideous slander, Tony cut in once more.

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