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Updated: August 26, 2024

Come, childer, just clap the foolish bits of papper behind the fire, and sit ye down to your supper." "Mother," said Betty, in a sad but decided voice, "we have seen enough in this house to make us rue that ever a drop of the drink crossed our door-step. We've toiled hard early and late for you and fayther, but the drink has taken it all.

You wouldn't believe, how strange I felt you might have knocked me down with a feather; so I just goes across to old Jenny's to ax her to come and look at him, for I thought he mightn't be right in his head. I wasn't gone many minutes, but when I got back our Sammul were not there, but close by where he were sitting I seed summat lapped up in a piece of papper, lying on the table.

Here, lad, thou can read print easy; it's a bit as was cut out on a papper; there's Newcassel, and York, and Durham, and a vast more towns named, wheere folk can learn a' about t' new mak' o' pleugh. 'I see, said Philip: "Robinson, Side, Newcastle, can give all requisite information." 'Ay, ay, said Robson; 'thou's hit t' marrow on t' matter.

"'Hurrah! here be another now, saith Bill Blacksmith, grinning; 'another coom to help us. What a grave gentleman! A warship of the pace, at laste! "For a gentleman, on a cue-ball horse, was coming slowly down the hill on tother zide of watter, looking at us in a friendly way, and with a long papper standing forth the lining of his coat laike.

Here, lad, thou can read print easy; it's a bit as was cut out on a papper; there's Newcassel, and York, and Durham, and a vast more towns named, wheere folk can learn a' about t' new mak' o' pleugh. 'I see, said Philip: "Robinson, Side, Newcastle, can give all requisite information." 'Ay, ay, said Robson; 'thou's hit t' marrow on t' matter.

Th' little lass clapped her hands, an' said, 'Eh, isn't it a beauty! But th' owd'st daughter looked hard at it, an' hoo said, 'Well, this is th' strangest weshin'-machine that I ever saw! 'Fetch a bucket o' water, said another, 'an' let's try it! But they couldn't get it oppen, whatever they did; till, at last, they fund some keys, lapt in a piece of breawn papper. 'Here they are, said Mary.

I'd saved a little money, and looked about for summat to do. I hadn't larning enough to go into an office as a writer; and I wouldn't have gone if I had, for I should have wasted to skin and bone if I'd sat up all the day on a high stool, scrat, scratting with a pen, and my nose almost growing to the papper. So I bethowt me as I'd larn to be a knife-grinder. It'd just suit me.

I black-guarded him last night about yon teetottal chap as come a-lecturing and got our Sammul and Betty to sign the pledge, so just about an hour since he slips out in his Sunday hat and shoes, when Alice were down the yard, and when she comes back she finds a bit of papper on the table with a five-shilling piece and a bit of his hair lapped up in it, and there was writ on it, `From Sammul, for dear mother. Oh, Jenny, I'm afraid for my life he's gone off to Americay; or, worse still, he may have drowned or hanged himself."

I opened it, and there were a five-shilling piece and a bit of his hair, and he'd writ on the papper, `From Sammul, for dear mother. Oh, what must I do what must I do? I shall ne'er see our Sammul any more," and the poor woman sobbed as if her heart would break.

"Hurrah! here be another now," saith Bill Blacksmith, grinning; "another coom to help us. What a grave gentleman! A warship of the pace, at laste!" 'For a gentleman, on a cue-ball horse, was coming slowly down the hill on tother zide of watter, looking at us in a friendly way, and with a long papper standing forth the lining of his coat laike.

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