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Then I related to him the behaviour of them all in the inn; and how Rumbald had shewn no surprise in seeing that I was a gentleman after all; and how my Lord Essex had talked in what would have been the maddest manner, if his intention had been as Chiffinch had thought it to be; and with every word that I said the page's face grew longer. "Well," he cried, "it is beyond me altogether.

Dr. Lundin was not so reserved. Regret for the handsome gratuity, and for the compulsory task of self-denial imposed on him, had grieved the spirit of that worthy officer and learned mediciner "Even thus, my friend," said he, squeezing the page's hand as he bade him farewell, "is merit rewarded.

So saying, he took hold of the supposed page's cloak, and, not without some gentle degree of violence, led into the middle of the apartment the disguised fair one, who in vain attempted to cover her face, first with her mantle, and afterwards with her hands; both which impediments Master Heriot removed something unceremoniously, and gave to view the detected daughter of the old chronologist, his own fair god-daughter, Margaret Ramsay.

I made the falconer's boy taste of my switch the falconer threatened to make me brook his cudgel he is a kindly clown as well as a stout, and I would rather have been cudgelled by him than any man in Christendom to choose but I knew not his qualities at that time so I threatened to make him brook the stab, and my Lady made me brook the 'Begone; so adieu to the page's office and the fair Castle of Avenel I had not travelled far before I met my venerable parent And so tell your tale, fair gentlewoman, for mine is done."

At this instant, the page's attention was called to a burst of hysterical sobs from the inner apartment, and to the hurried ejaculations of the terrified females, which led him almost instantly to hasten to their assistance.

Besides, her lively prank transported him back to his own youth, when he himself had glided more than once in page's attire to some beautiful young lady of the court, and gaily as in better days, tenderly as an ardent youth, he thanked her for her charming enterprise. After a few blissful hours, which crowded all that she had lately suffered into oblivion, she left him.

Barbara involuntarily looked at her sea-green brocade, and felt its heavy texture and the softness of the fur trimming on the overdress, which at home she had called a masterpiece of Frau Lerch's work. She could be satisfied with her appearance, and the string of pearls on her neck and the bracelet which her lover had sent to her, after her visit in the page's costume, were also costly ornaments.

Now Ederyn was the page's name, an orphan lad whose lineage no man knew, but that he came of gentle blood all eyes could see, although as vassal 'twas his lot to wait upon the great earl's squire. "It was the Yule-tide, and the wassail-bowl passed round till boisterous mirth drowned oftentimes the minstrel's song, but Ederyn missed no word.

In the same fantastic page's livery in which he had last seen him in Chanidigot, the pretended servant of his friend Prince Tchajawadse here stood quite unexpectedly before him, as though he had suddenly sprung from the earth, while the most pained consternation showed itself in his fair, expressive face.

Yes, I must for the future "choose the page's part," and, if she should ever have need of me, I would serve her, and take that for my reward! I fell asleep on that thought, and only woke feeling fairly fit, despite the dull ache in my head and the throbbing of the flesh wound in my shoulder when we reached Dunaburg, and the cars were shunted to a siding.