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Pèp sat with his eyes fixed enigmatically on the señor, as if struggling with opposing ideas. "You are right," said the phlegmatic peasant. Everyone on the island thought the same; the old way was the best way. Then Pèp, without consulting the señor, exposed his plan for helping in the defense. It was a duty of friendship. He had his gun at home.

And he turned his back on the boy and walked away. Richard told Frank where he was to meet Pep, and added that if the stolen letters were forthcoming he would take them to Doc Linyard's before returning to the Massanets'. At six o'clock the two quitted the store together and walked over to the Bowery. Pep was already waiting for Richard.

Occasionally some merry officer called out jokingly to some officer at another table; there was no special effort at dignified silence. "The K.O. has our number!" exclaimed an irrepressible lieutenant. "How so?" demanded Noll Terry, Prescott's first lieutenant. "He knows us for a bunch of shirkers, and so he gave us the 'pep' talk this morning."

The Hillsdale supporters began to cheer and kept it up incessantly. The spirits of the Oakwood girls rose as they watched. The Hillsdale Scouts did their steps perfectly, they had to admit, but they lacked "pep." The Winnebagos knew they could put a dash into their performance that would beat this mere mechanical perfection all hollow.

The former company in the middle of January went to Archangel for a ten day rest, and will be heard of later in the winter on another desperate front. Old "K" Company was glad to just find warm bunks in Seletskoe and regain their old fighting pep that had been exhausted in the New Year's period of protracted fighting under desperate odds.

I don't think the Senator needs any advice from us, but a little of the proper kind of information about Morrison's latest demfoolishness will make Corson understand that he needs to put some hot pep as well as sugar into his politeness. We'll get to him as soon as we can. Make it strong, Blanchard, make it strong!" As soon as opportunity offered, Blanchard did make it strong.

"Mr. Bowman wants you to go to the butcher's." "Call me June," he put in; adding: "Sure, Lem; the butcher's; we want a tenderloin, cut thick. You can't get any pep on greens; we ain't cattle." Doret felt that he would have been infinitely happier with his own thin fare. In a manner he got comfort from a pinch of hunger; somehow the physical deprivation gave him a sense of purification.

Pèp was slowly climbing the hill, his arms clasped behind his back, seemingly in deep meditation. The boy became alarmed at the sight of him.

"Sometimes," admitted the most famous of magazine editors, "I could dispense with some of the pep." "I like the pep, too, Ban."

And it was as if not only Tab and Pep and Bennet and Gussie and little Emily were chanting, but all children who had ever counted the days to Christmas and had found Christmas the one piece of magic that is looked on with kindness by a grown-up world.