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Billy's loafin' over by the post- office door one evenin', talkin' to Tutt an' Boggs an' a passel of us, when who comes projectin' along, p'intin' for the New York Store, but 'Doby's wife an' Willyum.

We rolled out and purred along the road, smooth as a cat trottin' to dinner. No speedin', no joltin', no nothin'. 'TWAS a 'gentleman's car'; there wa'n't no doubt about that. "We went 'way over to Bayport and Orham and beyond. And all the time Bradbury kept p'intin' out the diff'rent levers to Jonadab and tellin' him how to work 'em.

"'Well, gents, says Texas, when he sees his hoss is come, 'I reckons I'll say adios an' pull my freight. I'll be back in a week. "'Wherever be you p'intin' for? asks Cherokee Hall. 'Ain't this goin' of yours some sudden?

An' how none of us says a word about the dead gent in the cottonwood or of the manager who's shot up; an' how that same manager outfits me with ten sacks of mule-food an' I goes p'intin' out for the Southeast an' forgets all I sees an' never mentions it ag'in.

No, sir, she played this yer camp for all it was worth, year in and out, and we just gave ourselves away like speckled idiots! and now she's lyin' out thar in the bone yard, and keeps on p'intin' the joke, and a-roarin' at us in marble." Even the later citizens in Atherly felt an equal resentment against her, but from different motives.

"'An' if you-all wakes him, says Jennie to Dave, sort o' domineerin' at him with her forefinger, 'he'll be sick; an' if he gets sick, he'll die; an' if he dies, you'll be a murderer the heartless deestroyer of your own he'pless offspring, which awful deed I sometimes thinks you're p'intin' out to pull off. An' then Jennie would put her apron over her head an' shed tears a heap; while Dave all harrowed up an' onstrung would come stampedin' down to the Red Light an' get consolation from Black Jack by the quart.

"'He knows me for a hundred dollars! says Jack. 'I'm an Apache if he ain't allowin' he knows me! Wherever did you get him, Monte? "'Give me a drink, says Monte, p'intin' along into the Red Light. 'This yere makes me sick. "After Old Monte gets about four fingers of carnation onder his belt, he turns in an' explains as how the mother starts along in the stage all right enough from Tucson.

"'Can you read? says Billy to the Mexican, at the same time p'intin' to the signs. "The Mexican allows in Spanish which the same Billy saveys an' palavers liberal that he can't read. Then he p'ints out to go by ag'in. "'No you don't none, onless in the smoke; says Billy, an' throws a gun on him.

When Dick gets home to Bill Hatfield's, Bill takes one look at the pup, breaks the big rasp on Dick's head, throws the forehammer at him, an' bids him go back to Jedge Chinn an' tell him that he, Bill, will sally over the first dull day an' p'isen his cattle an' burn his barns. Dick takes the basket full of dog on his arm, an' goes p'intin' for Jedge Chinn.

Sneath went over the hull flume with Jud a little while before he lit out for the East, p'intin' things out ter him that he wanted did when he got back. I was down here flume-herdin' at Five when him an' Jud come along in a dude-lookin' flume-boat, rigged out in great style. I stopped 'em back there a ways with my picaroon, when they sung out, an' they walked down here on the side planks.