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Updated: August 16, 2024

The hot carbon monoxide passing over the hot magnetic oxide quickly reduces it down to metallic iron, which, being in a spongy condition, acts more freely on the steam during later makes than it did at first, and being infusible at the temperature employed, may be used for a practically unlimited period. What more simple method than this could be desired?

Thus iron is not stable in the presence of water molecules, and it becomes iron oxide; iron oxide is not stable in the presence of hot sulphur, it becomes an iron sulphide. All the elements are thus selective, and it is by such means that they may be chemically identified. There is no phenomenon in the ether that is comparable with this.

The skin of the iron must, in all cases, be broken where a rust joint is to be made; and, if the place be greasy, the surface must be well rubbed over with nitric acid, and then washed with water, till no grease remains. The oil about engines has a tendency to damage rust joints by recovering the oxide.

We may therefore conclude that the acids in the alimentary canal of worms are formed during the digestive process; and that probably they are nearly of the same nature as those in ordinary mould or humus. The latter are well known to have the power of de-oxidising or dissolving per- oxide of iron, as may be seen wherever peat overlies red sand, or where a rotten root penetrates such sand.

The red soil of Cuba, which is impregnated with the oxide of iron, is less rich, and is better adapted to the coffee plantation.

Where the 'tailing up' of the carbonic oxide flame is objectionable, there is no practical difficulty whatever in constructing these burners as a ring, with an air supply in the center, which greatly reduces the length of the 'tail. In practice it is a decided advantage to have a center air-way in all burners of more than about 2 in. diameter, as it enables the injecting tube to be slightly shortened, and lessens the liability of the green film to lift with varying qualities of gas.

The property of carbonic acid to preserve meat suggests a use for the large supplies of this gas evolved from the earth in many localities. And it is as interesting to determine in how far the gas could be of service as an antiseptic during surgical operations. On the other hand, at lower temperatures carbon dioxide oxidizes metallic iron, forming carbonic oxide. At the suggestion of Prof.

Carbonic oxide, formed by the consumption of carbon, with an insufficient supply of air, is the fatal poison of the charcoal furnace, not infrequently resorted to, in close rooms, as a means of suicide. The less sufficient the air toward perfect combustion, the smaller the quantity of carbonic acid and the greater the amount of carbonic oxide.

Jeremy lay between life and death, for at least a fortnight. Now the rust of this iron hung in the wound, or at least we thought so; though since I have talked with a man of medicine, I am not so sure of it. And our chief aim was to purge this rust; when rather we should have stopped the hole, and let the oxide do its worst, with a plug of new flesh on both sides of it.

"With this we must save you and your daughter from the half-breeds," said the trapper, a little impatient at this ill-timed manifestation of pedantry. "Get ready for action immediately." "I have no oxygen gas." "Make it at once," said Edwards. He picked up some papers marked "chlor. potass." and "black oxide." "Here is your material," he said. "Do you understand chemistry?" asked Lindsley.

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