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Updated: August 8, 2024

Derek hesitated. "Is Jill . . . Does she . . . I mean . . ." Uncle Chris resumed his osteopathy. He kneaded his companion's coat-sleeve with a jovial hand. "My dear fellow, of course! I am sure that a word or two from you will put everything right. We all make mistakes. I have made them myself. I am convinced that everything will be perfectly all right . . . Ah, there she is.

The Relation of Neurotherapy to Other Manipulative Systems Osteopathy, chiropractic, naprapathy, neurotherapy and spondylotherapy, as we have learned, are various systems of maipulative treatment which have been devised mainly to correct spinal and other bony lesions, shrinkage and contracture of muscles, ligaments and other connective tissues.

It also becomes apparent that in such cases the Nature Cure methods of eliminative treatment, such as pure food diet, hydrotherapy, massage, chiropractic, osteopathy, etc., are valuable means of removing these obstructions and promoting the inflow and free circulation of the positive electric and magnetic life currents Abnormal Composition of Blood and Lymph

It would be very easy to write another play in which quite different medical views are presented, and where will it lead us if the various treatments of tuberculosis, perhaps by the Friedmann cures, or of diphtheria, perhaps by chiropractice or osteopathy, are to be fought out on the stage until finally the editors of Life would write a play around their usual thesis that the physicians are destroying mankind and that our modern medicine is humbug.

Elimination, which necessitates: Scientific selection and combination of food and drink. Judicious fasting. Light and air baths, friction. Chiropratic or osteopathy, massage, and other manipulative treatment. Correct breathing, curative gymnastics. Such medicinal remedies as will build up the blood on a normal basis and supply the system with the all-important mineral salts in organic form.

In Japan the government reserves massage as an occupation for the blind, and in the hospitals of England and France blind masseurs are given the preference, and their work receives the highest commendation. Los Angeles has a blind anatomist at the head of its College of Osteopathy, and several blind osteopaths.

Typewriting, dictaphone, switchboard operating, telegraphy, osteopathy, massage, and salesmanship are to be taught to those who are fitted for these branches; and trades and occupations, including piano tuning, winding coils for armatures used in electric motors, joinery, mat and mattress making, broom and basket making, rug weaving, and shoe cobbling are to be taught to those who are not fitted for the professions.

Correction of mechanical defects and injuries by means of massage, chiropractic or osteopathy, surgery and other mechanical methods of treatment. Economy of Vital Force, which necessitates: Prevention of waste of vital force by the stoppage of all leaks. Scientific relaxation, proper rest and sleep. Proper food selection, magnetic treatment, etc. The right mental attitude.

They also began to pay attention to the bony lesions other than those occurring in the spine. Many of the chiropractic principles and much of its technique of today has been gleaned from osteopathy, while the reverse statement holds equally true. Naprapathy The "connective tissue doctrine of disease" was first proclaimed by Dr. Oakley Smith in 1907.

In this connection we wish to call attention to a difference in viewpoint between the school of osteopathy and the Nature Cure school.

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