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We know, anyhow, they have got two trains concealed opposite, near the river. Burnside is likely to find it a hard nut to crack. Of course they are superior in number to us, as they always are; but as we have always beat them well on level ground I do not think their chances of getting up these heights are by any means hopeful. Then, too, their change of commanders is against them.

Ian had bought also, in a small thick volume, the poems of Shelley: these gave them not only large delight, but much to talk about, for they were quite capable of encountering his vague philosophy. Then they had their Euclid and Virgil and even tried their mental teeth upon Dante, but found the Commedia without notes too hard a nut for them.

The hickory nut is almost white; why does it not seek concealment also? It is just as helpless as the others, and is just as sweet-meated. It occurs to me that birds can do nothing with it on account of its thick shell; it needs, therefore, to attract some four-footed creature that will carry it away from the parent tree, and this is done by the mice and the squirrels.

Uncle Jason started the nut at the handle, and soon removed that so that the staff could be pulled out. The sheet of tin had covered a hole in the shingles right above the pump. In a minute the cracked staff, with the worn leather valve, was out of the pump entirely, and Uncle Jason carried it out to the workshop where he could labor upon it with greater ease.

"My partner is positively bristling with diamonds," said the brigand, significantly. Hunston was interested immediately. "Diamonds?" "Aye! diamonds; and such diamonds, too. There is one as big as a nut, I swear." "I must see this lady." "You shall." "Where is she to be seen?" "Come with me," said the captain.

The surface of the lake I have never seen free from ducks of one species or another, and generally of half a dozen. Almost the whole family, if we except the canvas-back and the red-head, visit it at one or another period. One item in their bill of fare is the nut of the water-lily, the receptacles of which, resembling the rose of a watering-pot, dot the shallows in great quantity.

The old man was a hard nut to crack; why he lived in Hanover Street, and sent Jane to work, when it was certain that he had wealth at command, Mrs. Peckover could not pretend to explain, but in all probability he found a pleasure in accumulating money, and was abetted therein by Sidney Kirkwood.

It was his view of University life that undergraduates were born yesterday and would believe anything that you told them. In spite, however, of their tender years there was a lurking ferocity that must be checked by an indulgent heartiness of manner, as one might offer a nut to a monkey.

A lock nut should be used in conjunction with this set screw. Another method, and one more generally used on larger engines, is shown in fig. 4. In this case the brasses are larger than in the former, where they are virtually a split bush; here they have holes drilled in them to take the bolts, the latter usually and preferably being turned up to the shape shown in fig. 5.

Cask went round and round, but found no stile, and at last the railings disappeared in a forest of nut trees. When he was tired he sat down on a hillock and began to crack nuts. Suddenly a squirrel appeared before him and put up its tail. "Leave my nuts alone!" it said. "I will, if you'll take me to a stile," said Cask. "Part of the way, then," said the squirrel.