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Updated: August 21, 2024

Occidit, occidit Spes omnis et fortuna nostri Nominis, Hastrubale interemto. From the time when it had been known at Rome that the armies were in presence of each other, the people had never ceased to throng the forum, the Conscript Fathers had been in permanent sitting at the senate house. Ever and anon a fearful whisper crept among the crowd of a second Cannae won by a second Hannibal.

'Oh-blight-us, Beetle corrected hastily, 'forgetful anciliorum, of the shields, or trophies et nominis, and the his name et togae, and the toga eternaeque Vestae, and eternal Vesta incolumi Jove, Jove being safe et urbe Roma, and the Roman city. With an air of hardly restrained zeal 'Shall I go on, sir? Mr. King winced. 'No, thank you. You have indeed given us a translation!

Vir erat iste magnae staturae et potens in corpore: qui cum partibus suis dormit apud Tirrington iuxta villam sui nominis Tilney in Mershland. Cuius altitudo in salua custodia permanet ibidem vsque in hunc diem.

Gorgias is still worse used: he is a mere nominis umbra, of whose bodily presence nothing is made visible; nor is so much as his name mentioned, except for the purpose of informing us that it was through his agency that the love-potion was administered to Leucippe, and that he has since been killed in the action against the buccaniers.

It was on its wane when, in the ambition of boyhood, I first began to muse upon high neck cloths and Wellington boots. But the ancient habitues the magni nominis umbrae, contemporaries of Brummell in his zenith, boon companions of George IV. in his regency still haunted the spot.

HAUD ... NITERETUR: in Cicero's speeches haud scarcely occurs except before adverbs and the verb scio; in the philosophical writings and in the Letters before many other verbs. IMMORTALITATIS GLORIAM: so Balb. 16 sempiterni nominis gloriam. Cf. also Arch. 26 trahimur omnes studio laudis et optimus quisque maxime gloria ducitur.

The name of the Father and Maker would become a mere survival, nominis umbra, worship and sacrifice going to the ancestral ghost. That explanation would fit the state of religion which Mr. Im Thurn has found, rightly or wrongly, in British Guiana.

Paul, in the warning and precept, that he giveth concerning the same, Devita profanas vocum novitates, et oppositiones falsi nominis scientiae. Men create oppositions, which are not; and put them into new terms, so fixed, as whereas the meaning ought to govern the term, the term in effect governeth the meaning.

The fathers, saith Trelcatius, had not only respect to those five words, “For this is my body,” dum eucharistiam fieri dixerunt mystica precc, invocatione nominis divini, solemni benedictione, gratiarum actione. 2.

With regard to Cardan's assertion that his colleagues hesitated to meet him in medical discussion it may be noted that Camutio printed a book at Pavia in 1563, with the following title: "Andrææ Camutii disputationes quibus Hieronymi Cardani magni nominis viri conclusiones infirmantur, Galenus ab ejusdem injuria vindicatur, Hippocratis præterea aliquot loca diligentius multo quam unquam alias explicantur."

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