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Updated: August 15, 2024

The third star, perhaps of thirteenth magnitude, is distant 36", p. 245°. Retaining map No. 13 as our guide, we examine the western part of the constellation Capricornus. Its leader alpha is a naked-eye double, the two stars being a little more than 6' apart. Their magnitudes are three and four, and both have a yellowish hue. The western star is alpha^1, and is the fainter of the two.

Put a bit of each thus cooked on a white plate, and pour on it two or three drops of the tincture of iodine. Experiments with Milk. Experiment 44. Use fresh cow's milk. Examine the naked-eye character of the milk. Test its reaction with litmus paper. It is usually neutral or slightly alkaline. Experiment 45.

Its faintness, however, is not an indication of insignificance, for to very powerful telescopes it exhibits a wonderful system of nuclei and spirals another bit of chaos that is yielding by age-long steps to the influence of demiurgic forces. A richer constellation than Andromeda, both for naked-eye and telescopic observation, is Perseus, which is especially remarkable for its star clusters.

It weighed over 5 pounds, and was easily delivered entire after division and unwinding of the funis. No marks remained on the neck. The placenta followed ten minutes later and, so far as naked-eye experience indicated, seemed healthy. Intrauterine fractures are occasionally seen, but are generally the results of traumatism or of some extraordinary muscular efforts on the part of the mother.

He recognised the fact that there must be instrumental errors. He made these as small as was possible, measured their amount, and corrected his observations. His table of refractions enabled him to abolish the error due to our atmosphere so far as it could affect naked-eye observations.

In appearance it might have passed well enough for one of the Biela twins. It had no tail, but a decided nucleus, and was about 45 seconds across, being thus altogether below the range of naked-eye discernment. It was again observed December 3, when a short tail was perceptible; but overcast skies supervened, and it has never since been seen. Its identity accordingly remains in doubt.

The magnitudes are six and eight, distance 56", p. 242°. A double of similar magnitudes is chi, distance 19", p. 25°. Between the two stars which the naked eye sees in kappa is a minute pair, each of less than the eleventh magnitude, distance 5", p. 324°. Another naked-eye double is formed by theta^1 and theta^2, in the Hyades. The magnitudes are five and five and a half, distance about 5' 37".

It was succeeded in 1885 by Professor Pritchard's "Uranometria Nova Oxoniensis," including photometric determinations of the magnitude of all naked-eye stars, from the pole to ten degrees south of the equator to the number of 2,784. The instrument employed was the "wedge photometer," which measures brightness by resistance to extinction.

When it reached the planet's capital city, there had been less than a minute between the first notification by radar and its naked-eye visibility. When it came into sight at the spaceport it was less than four thousand feet high and it went sweeping for the landing-grid at something over mach one. Its emergency-rockets roared.

Megrez is the faint star already mentioned at the junction of the bowl and handle, and Mizar, in the middle of the handle, has a close, naked-eye companion which is named Alcor. The Arabs called this singular pair of stars ``The Horse and Rider. Merak and Duhbe are called ``The Pointers, because an imaginary line drawn northward through them indicates the Pole Star.

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