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The woman brocht him naething when he married her, but the iron rod o' authority by which she rules him; and yet, strange to say, he seems to like her the better for a' the stern dominion she exercises owre him." "That's a fault, I'm sure, ye canna charge me wi'," replied his wife.

But I rejoice to find that your heart is not hardened, and that the awful visitation which has this day filled our coast with widows and with orphans, has not fallen upon you in vain; for ye acknowledge your guilt, and are grateful for your deliverance. Your being saved is naething short o' a miracle. We a' beheld how long and how desperately ye struggled wi' the raging waves.

'I maun see the hail thing, man, Cherlie, he explained and then as the schooner went about a second time, 'Eh, but they han'le her bonny! he cried. 'The Christ-Anna was naething to this. Already the men on board the schooner must have begun to realise some part, but not yet the twentieth, of the dangers that environed their doomed ship.

"Whar hae ye been the day, Geordie?" said his mother to him one day. "I hae been convoying Sir Marmaduke Maitland a wee bit on his way to France," said Geordie. "He asked me to bear him company and carry his luggage to Leith, and I couldna refuse sic a favour to the braw knight." "An' what got ye frae him?" said his mother; "for I hae naething i' the house for supper."

At length, when the short Arcadean summer was almost over, Margaret won a hard and reluctant consent. "The lad is fit for naething better, I suppose" and the old man turned away to shed the bitterest tears of his whole life.

Crookit Caumill was a very human creature, and hadn't a fault but the drink, Miss Napier said. And very little of that he would have had if she had been as active as she was willing. 'What's the maitter, Caumill? asked Robert, in considerable alarm. 'Ow, naething, sir, returned Campbell. 'What gars ye look like that, than? insisted Robert. 'Ow, naething.

But he seasoned this dismission with a kind and hospitable invitation "to come back and take part o' his family-chack at ane preceesely there wad be a leg o' mutton, and, it might be, a tup's head, for they were in season;" but above all, I was to return at "ane o'clock preceesely it was the hour he and the deacon his father aye dined at they pat it off for naething nor for naebody."

I asked what was to pay. "Naething," replied Sim. "What in the name of folly is this?" I exclaimed. "You have led me, you have fed me, you have filled me full of whisky, and now you will take nothing!" "Ye see we indentit for that," replied Sim. "Indented?" I repeated; "what does the man mean?" "Mr. St.

I speered o' the hussies in the kitchen whether they kenned what was amiss wi' the family, but the cook she answered me back that it wasna for her tae inquire into the affairs o' her superiors, and that it was naething to her as long as she did her work and had her wages.

It seemed to happen very unfortunately, that in every topic of discourse which these warlike gentlemen introduced, my friend the Bailie found some matter of offence. "Ye'll forgie me speaking my mind, sir; but ye wad maybe hae gien the best bowl in your bonnet to hae been as far awae frae Rob as ye are e'en now Od! my het pleugh-culter wad hae been naething to his claymore."