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Despite the pain he was himself enduring, he secretly communicated his wishes to Murtagh and the Malay, imploring them to obey what might be almost deemed a dying request. Parting speeches were from time to time exchanged in the muttered tones of despair. Prayers were said aloud, unitedly, and by all of them silently in their own hearts.

The lizard was nigh six feet from snout to tail; and Saloo, assisted by Murtagh, soon slipped a piece of his vegetable rope around its jaws, and slung it up to a horizontal branch for the purpose of skinning it. Thus suspended, with limbs and arms sticking out, it bore a very disagreeable resemblance to a human being just hanged.

"They owe them half their traditions, Murtagh, and amongst others, Finn- ma-Coul and the burnt finger; and if ever I publish the Loughlin songs, I'll tell the world so." "But, Shorsha, the world will never believe ye to say nothing of the Irish part of it."

Formerly it was the custom in Ireland for tenants to give the squire's lady from two to fifty guineas as a perquisite upon the sealing of their leases. Sir Murtagh grew angry. These, and similar expressions, show how much the Irish are disposed to metaphor and amplification.

He was, perhaps, a little piqued that the Irishman should make himself so conspicuous about things he could not possibly be supposed to understand, and which to the Malay himself were matters of an almost special knowledge. There was a twinkle of mischief in his eye as he contemplated the meddling of Murtagh, and waited for the denouement.

The fellow's eyes were desperate, but he was forcing himself to go through with it. "Murtagh," he said, and his voice broke on the second syllable. "Owen Murtagh." "Murtang.... No registration!" The Wayne checker shrugged. "Next!" "It's Murtagh. M-U-R-T-A-G-H. Owen Murtagh, of 738 Morrisy " "Protest!"

"He's gone down wid her to the forge: the poor crathur was very lame to-day." "That's right; an' let Andy Murtagh bring down the sacks from Drumdough early to-morrow. That what ought to go to the market on Thursday, an' the other stacks ought to be thrashed out of hand." "Well, well; so it will be all done. Tare alive! if myself knows how you're able to keep an eye on everything.

"Sorrow a bit have I forgot about him, Shorsha," said Murtagh, as we sat down together, "nor what you yourself told me about the snake. Arrah, Shorsha! what ye told me about the snake, bates anything I ever told you about Finn. Ochone, Shorsha! perhaps you will be telling me about the snake once more? I think the tale would do me good, and I have need of comfort, God knows, ochone!"

Again the three men started off, Murtagh traversing in solitude the edge of the lake, while Captain Redwood, with his rifle accompanied by Saloo, carrying his sumpitan and quiver of poisoned arrows struck direct into the woods.

'But you have other things to do? 'Sorra anything else has Murtagh to do that he cares about and that makes me dread so going home at nights. 'I should like to know all about you; where do you live, joy? 'Faith, then, ye shall know all about me, and where I live.