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It now bore, externally and internally, the appearance of an old much-used dwelling. The entrance, which was an irregular archway of about ten feet in diameter, had been neatly closed up with small trees, over which strong banana leaves were fastened, so as to make it weather-tight. In this screen two holes were left a small one for a door, and a still smaller one for a window.

He hadn't dropped dead and he hadn't had a fit, and here was one of the things a man did when he valeted you he got your bath ready. A hasty recollection of the much-used, paint-smeared tin bath on the fourth floor of Mrs. Bowse's boarding- house sprang up before him. Everybody had to use it in turn, and you waited hours for the chance to make a dash into it.

At last, with my pillows so arranged that I could see out comfortably, and with the unhygienic-looking blanket turned back I have always a distrust of those much-used affairs I prepared to wait gradually for sleep. But sleep did not visit me. The train came to frequent, grating stops, and I surmised the hot box again.

When he realized, from the fact that it was a much-used trail and led up among the barren rocks, that it was none other than the trail to the puma's lair, his satisfaction increased. He would be sure to find either the puma at home or the puma's young unguarded.

I don't know where my old book is gone long since from the nursery bookshelf to the dustbin, I expect, for it was much-used and frail when I knew and loved it but your word-picture gave me the passport and enabled me to creep once again inside its cover, so brave in blue and gold, and to greet my friend in the red stockings, and find her as highly coloured as ever, and not a day older.

She could not know that the dust of the much-used dust-bath, that her true instinct taught her to mistrust at first, and now again to shun, was sown with parasitic worms, and that all of the family were infested. No natural impulse is without a purpose. The mother-bird's knowledge of healing was only to follow natural impulse.

"I hope you weren't cold in that open car," Lewis Elliot said as he helped Pamela and Jean to remove their wraps. "D'you mind coming into my den? It's warm, if untidy. The drawing-room is so little used that it's about as cheerful as a tomb." He led them through the panelled hall, down a long passage hung with sporting prints, into what was evidently a much-liked and much-used room.

So, taking the vessel and the much-used oyster knife, Max squatted on the ground tailor fashion alongside the pile of shellfish. Both of them set to work, Max calmly, as was his wont, but Steve showing the greatest nervousness. Finding that his method of trying to open the stubborn bivalves was awkward, as they could not be handled like oysters, Max took a second knife.

Tode closed his book promptly, and looked on with eager satisfaction while Winny produced an old worn, much-used Bible a whole Bible! and composedly turned over its pages with the air of one who was quite accustomed to handle the wonderful book. "Where shall I read to-night, mother?" she asked.

Had the papacy lost its much-used power of commanding kings and nations, and had it lost its greatest threat, a threat which hitherto could have thrown the masses of its adherents into a panic, the threat of excommunication?