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It was a theatrical sin when the old-fashioned stage actor was rendered unimportant by his scenery. But the motion picture actor is but the mood of the mob or the landscape or the department store behind him, reduced to a single hieroglyphic. The stage-interior is large. The motion-picture interior is small.

"Yes, but didn't you hear him say we'd appear in that last scene?" disputed the eager Billy, loth to give up his ambitious plan to have a leading place in the exposition showing how this famous group of motion-picture players did their perilous work.

All competitive exhibits strictly contemporaneous, showing the arts of to-day Revolution worked by the motion-picture theater in exhibition methods The lessons of Machinery Palace Coal and steam fast yielding to liquid fuels and waterpower and electricity Life-saving devices, accident prevention and employees' welfare made prominent in Palaces of Machinery and Mines A contrast in locomotives Building a motor car every ten minutes Co-operative exhibits in Food-Products Palace Many great displays by the United States Government Educational exhibits not duplicated, each state or city showing its specialty.

Does she wear a tan-coloured cloth suit, and a hat with coque feathers?" "Yes, she does! Now will you come?" "Where? Who are you? I mean, may I ask your name?" "I am Miss Grayson, a motion-picture actress " "Yes, yes, where are you? Where shall I come?" "To my home in New York City." She gave him the address.

Before the scout master could even give an order he missed one of his companions. Of course, this was Arthur Cameron. The sight of that mass of rock toppling over upon several of the motion-picture actors, and carrying others down amidst a perfect jumble of heaped up stones, acted on Arthur as a red flag does upon the angry bull in the ring.

But whatever we may have felt, we finished this final correspondence in silence, and hurried back to the river. Something of a crowd had gathered on the bridge to wish us bon voyage. Shouting up to them our thanks for their hospitality, and telling them to "look pleasant," we focussed the motion-picture camera on them, Emery turning the crank, as the boat swung out into the current.

It was trellised with vines, maidenhair ferns, and water-moss making a vivid green background for the golden yellow and burnished copper leaves which still clung to some small cottonwood trees the only trees we had seen in Marble Canyon. In our haste to push on, we left the brass motion-picture tripod head on an island, from which we pictured this lovely spot.

In referring to this trip, Thomas wrote at the time of Richard's death: "In 1914 a motion-picture company arranged to make a feature film of the play, and Dick and I went with their outfit to Santiago de Cuba, where, twenty years earlier, he had found the inspiration for his story and out of which city and its environs he had fashioned his supposititious republic of Olancho.

In the streets of Jap Town, in cheap motion-picture theaters, in hotels for transient workmen, she found life, running swift and eager and many-colored; and it seemed to her that back in the house of four-posters and walls of subdued gray, life was smothered in the very best pink cotton-batting.

It was just after Corbett had won one of his big battles as a prize-fighter, and the dismay of his opponent was excusable. The "boys" at the laboratory still laugh consumedly when they tell about it. The first motion-picture studio was dubbed by the staff the "Black Maria." It was an unpretentious oblong wooden structure erected in the laboratory yard, and had a movable roof in the central part.