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Arlington led the way into the morning-room, and after expressing her great satisfaction at the beneficial results of the sea air, she said "that she hoped Miss Leicester's health was sufficiently restored to enable the children to resume their studies upon the following Monday." Isabel replied "that she was quite well, and was as anxious as Mrs.

It won't be like being at home, darling boy, but you will try and be happy won't you, and make me feel that you are helping me in this dreadful time. "Dear little Aggie is very ill, very ill indeed. We have two nurses. Nora and Connie are shut away in the morning-room and to the back stairs and their own rooms with Miss Ellis, and have not seen us since the dear child was first taken ill.

He did not enter by the front door, but passed through the garden to the folding glass casement which led out of the morning-room. As he approached he heard his wife's voice and O'Brien's in loud and animated talk. He paused among the rose-bushes, uncertain whether to interrupt them or no.

"Good!" he echoed to himself. "Never did a more harassed man walk. How am I to manage those girls?" Helen and Polly were seated together in the pleasant morning-room.

Oh, how I wish I could buy the blessed thing!" he exclaimed, parenthetically. "Oh! how I wish I could buy the plum tree, and keep it, always blossoming, in my morning-room!" sighed Robinette. "But unfortunately, Waller R. A. will buy the plum tree, confound him! Prettyman during the few years remaining to her.

When Owen was safely gone Toni entered the house with a look of determination on her face, and retreating to the little white-panelled room known as the morning-room she rang the bell to summon Kate to her presence. It was not Kate who answered the ring, however.

He was still cursing himself furiously behind the mask of conventional solicitude that he turned to the lady when he had attended her to the house and seen her sink upon a couch in the morning-room. Raising her veil, she thanked him gravely and frankly, with a look of sincere gratitude in her eyes. She was much better now, she said, and a cup of tea would work a miracle upon her.

Every scene In this life at Brentham charmed Lothair, who, though not conscious of being of a particularly gloomy temper, often felt that he had, somehow or other, hitherto passed through life rarely with pleasure, and never with joy. After breakfast the ladies retired to their morning-room, and the gentlemen strolled to the stables, Lord St.

That was vacant too, and I continued my search through the morning-room to the Colonel's sanctum. There I saw the genial warrior standing at the window, and watching the play of the lightning with every appearance of interest. "Hullo, Colonel!" I said. "Where's Evie?" "Isn't she in the drawing-room? She was there twenty minutes ago," he replied.

Fortunately Lady Medlincourt won the rubber, and having collected her winnings, she followed him into the morning-room. "Well, Guy, what is it?" she said resentfully. "I suppose you have found that child?" "I have not only found her," he answered, "but I have found out all about her. Do you know whose niece she is, and whom she is staying with?" "How should I, my dear boy?" she answered.