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The female brood soon found themselves in the morning-room, with the door shut, and no doubt the male things fared the same with their host anyway, we saw no more of them till we caught sight of them passing the windows in scutums and mackintoshes, a depressed company of sportsmen.

That 'but' meant repentance for over-sternness in times past. 'Let me send him to you. 'I will come, said Mr. Kendal, willing to spare his son the terror of presenting himself. There was a pretty sight in the morning-room.

"Do you happen to remember the address she gave you?" he asked the man. "I am sorry, your Grace. I did not hear it." Lady Medlincourt opened the door of the morning-room. "I think, Guy," she said, "you had better come in and talk to me." It was between half-past four and five o'clock in the morning, and London for the most part slept.

Helen Everard saw, too, and guessed what it meant. "Go into the morning-room, Joan. I will send him to you there." And so it was in the morning-room he found her. Flushed and bright-eyed, trembling with happiness and the joy of seeing him, gone for ever the pride and the scorn, she was only a girl who loved him dearly, who needed him much.

This is the first time I have used the dining-room; usually I take all my meals in the morning-room, at a small table beside the fire. But to-night I had the great table spread and the plate spread out, and wore my best gown, and solemnly took my grandfather's chair and glowered at the ghost of a small girl shivering at the far end of the long white cloth.

When his guests had gone, Duplessis remained seated in meditation apparently pleasant meditation, for he smiled while indulging it; he then passed through the reception-rooms to one at the far end appropriated to Valerie as a boudoir or morning-room, adjoining her bed-chamber; he knocked gently at the door, and, all remaining silent within, he opened it noiselessly and entered.

She had been glad to hear him say that; he was so nice as a friend, somehow she did not want anyone to come along and change him. She went into the house and called to Gladys. "I thought you would think we were lost perhaps," she said laughingly, as she thrust her head into the morning-room where Gladys was sitting.

It is a well-known fact that after the funeral the strictest etiquette permits, nay, encourages, certain slight relaxations on the part of the bereaved. Lady Newhaven lay on the sofa in her morning-room in her long black draperies, her small hands folded. They were exquisite, little blue-veined hands. There were no rings on them except a wedding-ring.

And Harold passed on to the little morning-room which Mrs. Purling called her own. Having the choice of half-a-dozen chambers, each as big as Exeter Hall, she preferred to occupy habitually the smallest den in the house. To his surprise he found the room not untenanted. A young lady was at the book-case, and she turned seemingly in trepidation on hearing the door open.

My suite, consisting of a drawing-room, bedroom, and the pretty morning-room in scarlet and gold, of which I have told you, lies in the wing on the side of the Invalides. The house is only separated from the boulevard by a wall, covered with creepers, and by a splendid avenue of trees, which mingle their foliage with that of the young elms on the sidewalk of the boulevard.