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"I have no objection," she repeated, "to having everything in my room searched; but, oh! it seems so terrible to have to do it!" "Do your duty, sir," said Mrs. Varrick, turning to the detective. She and the detective left the morning-room together, and they were all startled at the sound of the key turning in the lock as the door closed after them.

Sir Tom turned round and looked at him with the letter in his hand, as if he would have liked to throw it at his head. Lucy came into the morning-room shortly after, a little paler than usual, but with none of the agitation about her which Lady Randolph expected from Sir Tom's aspect to see. Lucy was not one to bear any outward traces of emotion.

Coming into the morning-room after breakfast on the following day armed with a roll of papers, Mr. Logger announced, "I met our excellent friend Lady Latimer at Summerhay last week; she is immensely interested in the education movement." Mr. Fairfax and Mr.

From the bedroom the girls adjourned to the morning-room, where Lady Darcy sat waiting; but almost as soon as they had exchanged greetings, the gong sounded to announce luncheon, and they walked across the hall aglow with expectation. The table looked exquisite, and the guests stood still in the doorway and gasped with admiration.

"Will you go forward into the morning-room when you have taken off your furs?" "Did you know Barrington was not here?" asked Winston, when the maid moved away. Dane appeared embarrassed. "The fact is, I did." "Then," said Winston dryly, "I am a little astonished you did not think fit to tell me." Dane's face flushed, but he laid his hand on his comrade's arm. "No," he said, "I didn't.

Forsyth one afternoon, as I sat by the morning-room fire, when Nelly and Kenneth came in from a walk glowing with health and spirits. 'Now, said Kenneth, throwing himself full length on the sofa, 'we are very tired, and want a rest. Get your fiddle and play to us in the gloaming, Goody!

He knew all about what butlers did and what they said on these occasions, for in his innocently curious way he had often pumped Bayliss on the subject. He bowed silently and led the way to the morning-room, followed by the drove of Petts: then, opening the door, stood aside to allow the procession to march past the given point. "I will inform Mrs. Crocker that you are here, madam." Mrs.

Elsie was in the upper part of the house amusing herself after her own fashion, and Elizabeth sat in the little morning-room which had become her favorite apartment of late.

Then she caught a glimpse of Berry's figure passing out of the gate, and went back to the house. The drawing-room was empty. Motley lay on the floor where she had dropped him. She picked up the volume, and slowly mounted the stairs. As she passed through the upper entry she heard a sound from the morning-room; was it a sob? Candace gently approached the door.

John Dory and Peter Ruff first of all handed over their captive, who was now calm and apparently resigned, to the two policemen who were still on duty in the Court. Afterwards, Peter Ruff led the way up one flight of stairs, and turned the handle of the door of an apartment exactly over the morning-room. It was the bedroom of the Marquis de Sogrange. "Mr.