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She made no reply whatever to Susy's outburst with regard to Antonia, but gently led the conversation to matters of every-day interest. "This is our largest drawing-room," she said, "but we have two others leading into it. The farthest drawing-room takes you into the dining-room, and that again into the library and morning-room. All our reception-rooms open one into the other.

Apparently an explanation followed from Miss Harden. It also was inaudible. "Lu-chee-a.! Where is Miss Roots, B.A.?" "Please, please, Kitty. Do go into the morning-room." This painful scene was cut short by Robert, who announced that tea was served. "Oh joy!" said Miss Palliser, and disappeared. Lucia, following, found her examining the tea-tray. "Only two cups," said Miss Palliser.

"You mean that I am trying to find a substitute for the pleasures of drunkenness in those of flirtation." "I should not like to think that you had descended to conscious flirtation." Hadria looked steadily into the flames. They were in the morning-room, where towards night-fall, even in summer, a small fire usually burnt in the grate.

Gray'll be up as soon as some company she has is gone. Would you like to have a cup of tea, Miss?" "No, thank you," faltered Candace; and then the maid went away, shutting the door behind her. The room, which had no bed in it, and was, in fact, Mrs. Gray's morning-room, was so full of curious things that Candace's first thought was that it would take a week at least to see half that was in it.

Here they both stared at her. "Tina is an old friend of his. Now then, Cedric lad, if you have finished your breakfast, I want you in the morning-room." "One moment, please," and Malcolm barred her way. "I believe I am to drive you over to Earlsfield this afternoon." "Dinah has arranged it then," with rather an inscrutable little smile.

As he stood in the doorway of the little morning-room, looking in with bitter reflection and dreading beyond words what now must come his meeting with Jasmine, the story he must tell her, and the exposure of a truth so naked that his nature revolted from it, he heard a footstep behind him. It was Krool.

Merton's morning-room, Evelyn, who had been stationed by the window hearing the little Cecilia go through the French verbs, and had just finished that agreeable task, exclaimed, "Do tell me to whom that old house belongs, with the picturesque gable-end and Gothic turrets, there, just peeping through the trees, I have always forgot to ask you." "Oh, my dear Miss Cameron," said Mrs.

When he did so, he yielded it with a few kind words of apology, but this vexation had been sufficient to bring down the thunder-cloud which had been lowering since the morning. There were no signs of clearance the next day; but Albinia had too much upon her hands to watch the symptoms, and was busy making measurements for the furniture in the morning-room when Mr. Kendal came in.

It folded her round like the twilight falling outside. The room was dim when she heard the sound of the returning motor and she sat on, believing that here she would be undisturbed. Tante rarely came to the morning-room. But it was Tante who presently appeared, wearing still her motoring cloak and veil, the nun-like veil bound round her head.

"Do you want to sit in the morning-room?" said Fanny. "Well, I ought to write those letters." "There's a fire in the library. You can write there. Can't she, Horatio?" Mr.