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Brother Krutz and I were holding a meeting at Hereford, Minn. at the time. We received a letter from St. Paul Park asking us to pray to find out which one of the three of us was to go. Then Brother Krutz said to me, "I know you know who is to go; tell me who it is." But I answered him, that he should go find out from the same source from which I had found out.

"Oh, Minny!" exclaimed the young girl, as the privacy of her own apartment was gained, and she threw herself, still sobbing, on the quadroon's bosom; "didn't you know before I went down that I never would accept him, that I never could marry him, never?" "Yes, Miss, I knew it." "Yet you implied to mamma, Minn, that you believed I had accepted him, and you know she thinks I tell you everything.

What can stand before the wind? When St. Cloud, Minn., was visited with a cyclone years ago, the wind picked up loaded freight cars and carried them away off the track. It wrenched an iron bridge from its foundations, twisted it together and hurled it away. When a cyclone later visited St. Louis, Mo., it cut off telegraph poles a foot in diameter as if they had been pipe stems.

Alibi. *Habakkuk. *Honest Man. Sigh of the Bulbul. *Panjorum Bucket. #Halverson, Delbert M.# Born on a farm near Linn Grove, Ia. Educated at the State University of Iowa. First story: "Leaves in the Wind," Midland, April, 1920. Lives in Minneapolis, Minn. Leaves in the Wind. *Judgment of Vulcan. *Stick-in-the-Muds. #Hunting, Ema S.# Born at Sioux Rapids, Iowa, Oct. 8, 1885.

Thus diverted, there ensued a quick confetti of flung opinions. "Minn is a pretty name." "That's because you're stuck on Minnie Duganne in your class. Oh-oh, Roy is stuck on Minnie Duganne!" "Arabella I just love that name. Don't you, Lilly?" "If I was a girl, I would be named Mamma-Annie." "Shut up, Harry; and, say, you better take back that can opener. You stole it off Mr. Hazzard's dresser."

Could you be our guest speaker?" I answered, "Yes, if you want me. I am on my way home, and Brother Green was expecting to meet me at my place, and I was planning on taking him from my home on to the convention." Again, I could see how the Lord directed many times, unbeknowns to me. A lady brought her sister who was in the last stages of tuberculosis to the camp meeting at Saint Paul Park, Minn.

He has had an unusual career, having been taken prisoner as a boy by an officer of the army. He was sent to school and eventually graduated from Bishop Whipple's Seabury Divinity School at Faribault, Minn. Since that time Doctor Coolidge has devoted himself to the Christianization of his race. He is the president of our recently organized Society of American Indians.

As soon as Mother saw us come in hand in hand in this way, she guessed everything. She threw both her arms round John's neck and fairly pinned him against the wall. John tried to speak, but Mother wouldn't let him. "I saw it all along, John," she said. "Don't speak. Don't say a word. I guessed your love for Minn from the very start.

Both liquor thick and liquor thin We'll cease to tax And use the axe Invented by the Man from Minn. For right is right and wrong is wrong A spell has cursed the world too long. The curse of drink Stop, friends, and think How, reft of spirits weak or strong, My Nation will be purified Of all corruptions vile. The lamb and lion, side by side, Will smile and smile and smile.

It was not without a struggle that the traders yielded their beaver country. Hist. Colls., V., 433. Hist. He was prominently engaged in other battles; see Wis. Hist. Hist. West. Hist., VII., 17, and Minn. Hist. Colls., V., 434-436. For other examples see Wis. Hist. Colls., V., 113-118; Minn. Hist. In the meantime what was the attitude of the English toward the Northwest?