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Temperature is known to have a very distinct effect upon crime, especially suicide and truancy. Workmen do less in bad weather, blood pressure is modified, etc. In his study of truancy, Kline starts with the assumption that the maximum metabolism is always consciously or unconsciously sought, and that migrations are generally away from the extremes of hot and cold toward an optimum temperature.

Common to both conditions is a drop in the rate of tissue combustion or metabolism, which can be relieved by injection of an extract of the pituitary, a rise of temperature occuring simultaneously.

For instance, some women are larger than are some men have lower pitched voices, etc. The whole bodily metabolism, resting as it does upon a chemical complex, is obviously more like the male average in some women than it is in others, and vice versa.

Biologists tell us that the chief difference between the male and female organism is a difference in metabolism, that is, in the rapidity of organic change which goes on within the body. In the male metabolism is much more rapid than in the female; hence the male organism is said to be more katabolic.

The captain had come up behind them, asked what they were doing, and then ordered them all to dive. Apparently, it had been a high point of sorts in his teacher's life. "No cowards on this ship, Verdi," Oliver said, standing. Toast. Tea. When Oliver was upset, he turned to food. He had a high metabolism and ate what he wanted.

When we remember that it is in this very field of nutrition that there exist great popular ignorance and a special proneness to fad and prejudice, we realize how practically helpful are such exact studies of metabolism." Frederick S. Lee, Ph.D.: Scientific Features of Modern Medicine, New York, 1911.

Southport's all messed up while the new she-doctor gets her metabolism changed. Maybe the old guy there would have helped, but he died a couple months ago. So it looks like you're our only hope." "Then you have no hope," Feldman told him sickly. "I'm a pariah, Jake. I can't do a thing for you." "We heard about your argument with the Lobby. News reaches Mars. But these are mighty sick people, Doc."

When the quantity, in the cycles of metabolism, becomes sufficiently great, it stimulates the stomach to contract in a way which augments the pressure within it to a point at which the feeling of hungriness, and the wish to satisfy it, or to get rid of it, becomes imperative, and the dominant of consciousness. Without doubt the sexual cravings are likewise so determined.

The prolonged high temperature causes the heart to beat more rapidly, while the toxins produced by the fever process cause muscle degeneration of the heart or a myocarditis, and at the same time the nutrition of the heart becomes impaired either by improper feeding or by the imperfect metabolism of the food given; hence the heart muscle becomes weakened, and cardiac failure or cardiac relaxation or dilatation occurs.

"The substances which they secrete are called 'hormones' those chemical messengers, as it were, by which many of the processes of the body are regulated. In fact, no field of experimental physiology is richer in interest than this. It seems that few ordinary drugs approach in their effects on metabolism the hormones of the thyroid.