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Updated: August 16, 2024

He must have made a good thing out of me, but he always gave me clean mats and pillows, and the best stuff you could get anywhere. When he died, his nephew Tsin-ling took up the Gate, and he called it the "Temple of the Three Possessions;" but we old ones speak of it as the "Hundred Sorrows," all the same. The nephew does things very shabbily, and I think the Memsahib must help him.

"Memsahib! Thy husband left thee in my care. Surely it is my right to choose the way?" "Leave me, then! I relieve you of your trust. I will not have him tortured in my room, or anywhere!" Mahommed Khan bowed low. "Under favor, heavenborn," he answered, "my trust is to your husband. I can be released by him, or by death, not otherwise."

He will give you two pounds of milk for the baby for five rupees. 'Rupia! I have not even one! said the ayah, looking toward the bed; 'the captain-sahib has not come these thirty days as he promised. The colonel-sahib has sent the food. The memsahib is for three days without a pice. 'I'll pay, said the doctor shortly, and turned hurriedly to go.

'Very good said the ayah submissively, and watched the doctor out of sight. Then she insisted holding the rupees, she could insist that the goat-keeper should bring his goat into the hut to milk it; there was more safety, Tooni thought, in the hut. While he milked it Tooni sat upon the ground, hugging her knees, and thought. The memsahib had said nothing all this time, had known nothing.

Alone, I am an old man not without honor, but of little use; with twelve young blades behind me, though, these Hindu rabble " "Do you really mean, Mahommed Khan, that you think Hanadra here will rise?" "The moment you are gone, sahib!" "Then, that settles it! The memsahib rides with me!" "Nay, listen, sahib! Of a truth, thou art a hot-head as thy father was before thee! Thus will it be better.

Morbid sort of fancy I call it; but I've got to do what the Memsahib tells me. Would you believe that the man she hired it from tells me that all four of the men they were brothers died of cholera on the way to Hardwar, poor devils, and the 'rickshaw has been broken up by the man himself. 'Told me he never used a dead Memsahib's 'rickshaw. 'Spoiled his luck. Queer notion, wasn't it?

"The Memsahib very sorry, sir, but cannot speak to any one just now;" and he heard the jar of the instrument as the receiver at the other end was sharply hung up and the connection broken. Thresk came out from the telephone-box with a face puzzled and very grave. Mrs. Repton refused to speak to him! It was a fact, an inexplicable fact, and it alarmed him.

"I wonder whether a man such as you can realize exactly what it means to us to know that white women are in Jailpore, at the mercy of black mutineers? I mean, are you sufficiently aware of the extreme horror of the situation?" "Knew you Captain Collins Sahib, of the Jailpore command?" "Know him well." "Knew you his memsahib?" "She was a niece of mine." "I slew her myself, with this sword!" "When?

One day, after holding forth for some time in Swahili, she found that she had been standing hobnailed on one of the boy's feet. "Why, Mahomet!" she cried. "That must hurt you! Why didn't you tell me?" "Memsahib," he smiled politely, "I think perhaps you move some time!"

Entrust thy memsahib to my keeping!" "You will guard her?" "I will bring her in to Jundhra!" "You alone?" "Nay, sahib! I, and my sons, and my sons' sons thirteen men all told!" "That is good of you, Mahommed Khan. Where are your sons?" "Leagues from here, sahib. I must bring them. I need a horse." "And while you are gone?"

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