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"She believed, as we all did, that her husband was in Paris, and certainly never dreamed that he was masquerading as a gypsy three miles away." "There was no masquerading about the matter, my lord," said Darby, dryly; "since Sir Hubert really was a gypsy called Ishmael Hearne. That fact will come out at the inquest." "It has come out now: everyone knows the truth.

Mountain girls mature early, and she was a woman for all her tender years; a twelve and a half year old woman, partly savage, masquerading in the guise of a girl. He was dazzling to her and pleasing. But suddenly he kissed her and, infuriated, she flung the empty bucket in his face and fled. The gods may know where she learned the difference between right and wrong.

And he told her of his discoveries in connection with the office boy. "So you see your father was in England masquerading as Wilson," he finished. "Yes," said Anne, with a shudder, "I see now. But he told me nothing of this. Indeed, I can't understand my father at all." "Do you know the meaning of the Scarlet Cross?" "No; he refuses to tell me.

The incomprehensible attempt upon my life, the strange actions of Hornby and Chater who, by the way, seemed to have entirely disappeared the assassination of the man who by masquerading as the Italian waiter had met his death, and the murder of Olinto's wife were all problems which required solution.

In a minute or two, worn out with his excitement and consequent depression, he was fast asleep. His uncle picked up his masquerading attire and left the room muttering, 'I never will play the fool again; it doesn't pay. A day or two after this his Uncle Mortimer departed.

"Captain Murray is a devilish good fellow. He is going to make this great traveler, Frank Hatton, my friend. And you'll both be benefactors to 'Science, if you drop masquerading and post me honestly on Thibet. You are a dead winner in the little social game here. You get the girl that's all you want. She's a nice girl, too! I'll make the old boy come down and be reasonable.

Then and only then, could one be sure that one's treasures were just what one believed them to be. And that is just what I set out to do. I began buying objects of art, which, after masquerading under a great name, had been exposed and given up to scorn.

Let those organised systems of imposture, masquerading under the disguise of banks and companies, answer the question there is no need for me to answer it. You know what respectable names are associated, year after year, with the shameless falsification of accounts, and the merciless ruin of thousands on thousands of victims.

Fortune, however, favoured him better than he deserved; for, after much waste of time in tent pitching, flag flying, gold curtaining, and other such masquerading, he gave the French battle at a place called Guinegate: where they took such an unaccountable panic, and fled with such swiftness, that it was ever afterwards called by the English the Battle of Spurs.

"Let me go!" she shrieked, in English. With one desperate wrench she broke away, and by the light of the grinning jack-o'-lantern saw who was her captor. She was face to face with Monsieur Ciseaux. "What does this mean?" he asked, severely. "Why do you come masquerading here to frighten my servants in this manner?" For an instant Joyce stood speechless. Her boasted courage had forsaken her.