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"Besides," continued the old lady, after a moment, "I think it's very kind of him to remain with me, instead of going to the beach for his own pleasure and the marring of yours." "Now, that's putting it much too strong," cried Hilland. "Graham never marred our pleasure." "And I hope he never will," was the low, earnest response.

When we attain this, whether in Music or otherwise, we derive a measure of restfulness and satisfaction and we gain a sense of completeness. Any work of Art should leave us with this conviction, that nothing could be added or left out without marring the perfect proportion of the whole.

Arlington shook his head, as he replied "Don't think of such a thing. We will receive him with true kindness, because we feel it towards the good old man. But we must not cease to do what we know to be right, thus disappointing and marring the pleasure of many, out of deference to a mere prejudice of education in a single person.

You saw a picturesque figure, dark, strange, romantic the gravity engendered by thought and sorrow not yet marring the bronzed face and the elastic movement of youth and this personality, in itself fascinating, was made all the more pictorial by an investiture of romance, alike in the scenery and the incidents through which it moved.

In trying to describe everyday life in India, we shall at every turn meet with instances of the effect that Hinduism has in warping and marring natures which otherwise have so much which is attractive. But the sole purpose of this book is to try and depict Hindu India as it really is.

But she said nothing to her hostess, for fear of marring an otherwise happy occasion. She retired with Jack Brim made to a corner, where she recited: "Oh young Lochinvar is come out of the East; Of millions of Yankees I love him the least." "What a joke if he should come!" cried Jack. Miss Russell gasped. Just as Mr.

The little mestizo, had not been brought up to respect the integrity of either locks or seals, both being unknown in the patriarchal life of the hacienda. Yet with a certain feminine instinct she looked furtively around her, and even managed to dislodge the clumsy wax without marring the pretty effigy of the crossed keys impressed upon it. Then she opened the letter and read.

Drab objects from the outer world drift across the threshold and obtrude their presence vagabond tramps in a rose-garden, unpleasant, marring the surroundings, soiling the atmosphere.

It was not possible to retain animosity against one so stricken, so broken to pieces, and my heart smote me when I looked at his disabled hand, and felt that I, boy as I was, had had a share in his marring. At last, he spoke. "Are you there, Frank?" "Yes," replied I. "I have had a little sleep," said he. "Do you feel easier?" inquired I, kindly.

In this extremity of foul weather, the ship was so tossed and shaken, that, by its creaking noise, and the leaking which was now more than ordinary, we were in great fear that it would have shaken asunder, and had just cause to pray, a little otherwise than the poet, though marring the verse, yet mending the meaning: Deus maris et caeli, quid enim nisi vota supersunt; Solvere quassatae parcito membra ratis.