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You di'n' write him: 'Wire answer'? You muz' do that! I'll pay it myseff!" "I thought I'd wait one more day. He may have other manuscripts to consider." "Mr. Chezter, that manuscrip' is not in a prize contess; 'tis only with itseff! You di'n' say that?" "I implied it as gracefully as I could." "Ah! graze' the h-only way to write those fellow, tha'z with the big stick! 'Wire h-answer!"

An' we are convince' though tha'z not ab-out clocks, neither angels, neither lovers yet same time tha'z a moz' marvellouz manuscrip'. Biccause, you know, tha'z a true story, that 'Holy Crozz. Tha'z concerning an insurregtion of slave' there in Santa Cruz. And 'a slave insurregtion, tha'z what they ought to call it, yes! to prom-ote the sale.

"Oh!" cried the tender Yvonne original rescuer of Marie Madeleine from boy lynchers "you don't have charitie! That way you make yo'seff un'appie." "Me, I cann' think," her sister persevered, "that tha'z juz' for the insuranse. The manuscrip' is receive'? Well! 'ow can you receive something if you don't agcept it? And 'ow can you agcep' that if you don' receive it? Ah-h-h!"

Louis dome yonder, tha'z better than a modestie withoud that. That origin-al manuscrip' we don't want that ag-ain; we've all read that. But I think Mr. Chezter he's also maybe got that riv-ision in his pocket, an' we ought to hear, now, at ones, that riv-ision!" Miles. Corinne and Yvonne led the applause, and presently Chester was reading: This is a true story.

"No," Beloiseau rejoined, "tha'z only to signify that the editorial decision tha'z not decide'." Mlle. Corinne lifted both hands to the entire jury: "Oh, frien', I assure you, that manuscrip' is agcept'. And tha'z the proof; that both Yvonne and me we've had a presentiment of that already sinze the biggening! Ah-h-h!"

"Betsy," said I, pausin in the middle of the room and letting my eagle eye wander from the manuscrip "Betsy, on the night of this here serenade, I desires you to appear at the winder dressed in white, and wave a lily-white handkercher. D'ye hear?" "If I appear," said that remarkable female, "I shall wave a lily-white bucket of bilin hot water, and somebody will be scalded.

"I had the same feeling till a dream, which reveal' to me that the feeling was my fault. The manuscrip' is perfec'." "Messieurs," Mme. Castanado broke in, "please to hear Mlle. Aline." And Aline spoke: "Perfect or no, I think that's what we don't require to conclude.

Castanado beckoned attention and spoke his name. "Messieurs et mesdames" he said, "that manuscrip' is no mo' agcept' than rij-ect'. That stadement, tha'z only to rilease those insuranze companie' and " "And to stop us from telegraphing!" M. De l'Isle broke in, "and to make us, ad the end, glad to get even a small price! Ah, mesdemoiselles, you don't know those razcal' like me!"

Chester stood. Also Cupid. The aunts drew near, speaking with infantile lightness: "Finizh' already that reading? You muz' have gallop'! Well, and what is Mr. Chezter's conclusion on that momentouz manuscrip'?" The niece hurried to answer first: "Ah! we must not ask that so immediately. Mr. Chester concludes 'tis better for all that he study that an evening or two in his seclusion."

How can we show them so li'l' civilization when they've come so far? An' me I'm convince', and Yvonne she's convince', that you an' Mr. Chezter you'll be ab'e to judge that manuscrip' better al-lone. Oh, yes! we are convince' of that, biccause, you know I'm sorrie we are prejudice' in its favor!" Aline's lifted brows appealed to Chester.