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"Nathan," she said very softly, lest Aunt Priscilla overhead should hear her, "can I go to-morrow, like Rhoda and me said we would, and look into the manger for the child Jesus? I know He can't be there, because I'm a big girl now. But me and Rhoda said we'd go every Christmas morning very early; and she 'll be thinking of it to-morrow.

"That'll be all right till we fetch it," said Mr Solomon in his quiet dry way, and he led the way into the stable, where, as I was thinking how hard and unfriendly he seemed, he went up to the horse, patted it kindly, and ended by going to a bin, filling a large measure with oats; and taking them to the horse, which gave a snort of satisfaction as they were turned into its manger.

It reminded me of the song of the morning stars, the anthem of the angels over the manger of Bethlehem, so highly wrought were my feelings, so softly, with such swelling harmony, had the notes stolen on the ear. Ernest raised himself from his reclining position, and his countenance glowed with rapture. I had never seen it wear such an expression before.

Each rack was iron, and each manger shining copper, and each nag covered with a scarlet mantle, and above him his bridle and saddle hung, ready to gallop forth in a minute; and not less than two hundred horses, whereof twelve score of foreign breed.

"It's a regular dog in the manger business; you don't like me, and therefore nobody else must like me. That's what it comes to! And," with a little blaze of wrath, "it is all so absurd, too! If I can't speak to my own cousin, I can't speak to anyone." "I don't object to your speaking to your cousin," says Rylton; "you can speak to him as much as ever you like.

It was as well that Lord Fordyce had gone up to his room for the lady of Héronac grew white as death for a moment, and then crumpling the note in her hand she staggered up the old stone stairs to her great sitting-room. So he had gone then and they could have no explanation. But he had come out of the manger and was going to let the other animal eat the hay.

I don't own nothing. "Times and folks both been changing all my life. Some things is better and some people as good as they always been." "Well ah wuz born second year after surrender. Some say dat makes me 72 years old. Mah maw only had two boys. Ah am de baby. My pa wuz name Manger Tubbs. I wuz a purty bad boy. When ah wuz one. Ah use ter hunt. Use ter catch six and eight possums in one night.

He's tryin' to eat that manger up right now, and I bet it ain't good for him." "Come on," said Penrod, closing the door that gave entrance to the stalls. "We got to get this horse some drinkin'-water and some good food." They tried Whitey's appetite first with an autumnal branch which they wrenched from a hardy maple in the yard.

Then they thought of the tallet over the stable, perhaps he had climbed up there again from the manger, over the heads of the great cart-horses, quietly eating their hay, while he put his foot on the manger and then on the projecting steps in the corner, and into the hayrack and so up. He had done it once before, and could not get down, and so the tallet was searched.

The feast of Noël is full of importance to all of the Romish faith, and Poussette knew of great things in preparation for the stone church on the hill of St. Jean Baptiste in the way of candles, extra music and a kind of Passion-play in miniature representing the manger, with cows and horses, wagons and lanterns, the Mother and Child, all complete.