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Mallathorpe had given her what she had on her. Of course, sir, we don't know what she may have on her we simply obeyed Mrs. Mallathorpe." "Where is Mrs. Mallathorpe?" asked Collingwood. "Is she safe?" "Oh, quite safe, sir!" replied the butler. "She returned to her room after giving those orders. Mrs. Mallathorpe appeared to be quite calm, sir."

"And while I'm making it I'll do it myself we'll just go on outwardly as if nothing had happened. If I meet Pratt as I shall I shall not let him see that I know anything. Do you go on in just the usual way. Go out to Normandale Grange now and then and tell Miss Mallathorpe to think no more of her interview with Pratt until we've something to talk to her about.

He had not only thought long and deeply over his conversation with Cobcroft the previous evening, but had begun to think about the crucial point of the clerk's story as soon as he spoke in the morning, and the result of his meditations was that he rose early, intercepted Cobcroft before he started for Mallathorpe's Mill and asked his permission to re-tell the story to Miss Mallathorpe.

I am quite competent to manage my own affairs of this sort. I want to know why my mother has been forced into that arrangement with you for I am sure you have forced her! If you will not tell me why then I shall do what I said." "You'll go to the police authorities?" asked Pratt. "Ah! but let us consider things a little, Miss Mallathorpe. Now, to start with, who says there has been any forcing?

Isn't that a request from her that I should call on her yesterday afternoon? Very well then!" Eldrick looked at the letter with some surprise. He had a good memory, and he remembered that Collingwood had told him that Nesta had said that Pratt had gone to Normandale Grange, seen Esther Mawson, and told her that it was absolutely necessary for him to see Mrs. Mallathorpe.

Collingwood left him and went out to find a motorcar and drive off to Normandale Grange, not because Eldrick had advised him to go, but because of his promise to Harper and Nesta Mallathorpe. And once more he found Nesta alone, and though he had no spice of vanity in his composition it seemed to him that she was glad when he walked into the room in which they had first met.

Mallathorpe shares equally with her daughter as regards the personal property of Harper Mallathorpe his share in the business, and all that he left, and what's more, Mrs. Mallathorpe is administratrix of the personal property. She's simply placed in Pratt's hands an enormous power! And for what reason?

And Esther quickly put the table between them, and shook her head. "No no!" she exclaimed. "No handling of anything yet! You keep your hands off! You were ready enough to bargain with Pratt now you'll have to bargain with me. But I'm not such a fool as he was I'll take cash down, and be done with it." Mrs. Mallathorpe rested her trembling hands on the table and bent forward across it.

"And I know that you don't earn more than four or five pounds a week, at the outside," said Mrs. Mallathorpe quietly. "Come, now just think what a nice, convenient thing it would be to a young man of your age to have a capital. Capital! It would be the making of you. You could go right away to London, say, and start out on whatever you liked.

"No! I thought that he probably wanted to see me about buying some books of the late Mr. Mallathorpe's." "Did you tell Collingwood that?" asked Pratt, eagerly. "Yes of course." "Did it satisfy him?" Mrs. Mallathorpe frowned again. "Why shouldn't I?" she demanded. "It was the only explanation I could possibly give him. How do I know what the old man really wanted?"