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He was a type of those whom the apostle described as "filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, deceit, malignity implicable, unmerciful." Strangely enough, one of the moonshiners had read Shakespeare's "Tempest," and gave Caliban's title of "monster" to Zibe Turner. From that day he was generally nicknamed "Monster Turner."

There was an impudent tribute in his look which she resented strongly. "Where is the Captain?" she demanded. "He's down below ma'am," he replied. "Can can I do anything?" "Yes," she said, with abrupt maliciousness, "you may tell me where you are going." "I cal'late, up the Cumberland River.

Is it not from that jakes of the senses wherein our souls are plunged, and from that darkness of which the error is around us?..." Having heard the sermon to the end, the sharp Licentius put in with sly maliciousness: "I say, what a splendid arrangement of events to shew me that nothing happens except in the best way, and for our great good!"

In Touraine hatred and villification take the form of superb disdain and witty maliciousness worthy of the land of good stories and practical jokes, a spirit which, alas! is yielding, day by day, to that other spirit which Lord Byron has characterized as "English cant."

I'm the wounded party in this case, but it seems to me that hysteria isn't the same thing as maliciousness. Suppose I ask for clemency?" "Thank you, Dr. Lomax," Muller said, and actually looked relieved. "Make it ten lashes, Mr. Grundy. Apparently no real harm has been done, and he will not testify in the future."

"Well, I ain't particular about the word I use." MacQueen leaned against the side of his horse, his arm thrown across its neck, and laughed in slow maliciousness. "Execute is the word I use, though if you want to know." He had made no motion toward his weapon, nor had O'Connor; but the latter knew without looking that he was covered vigilantly by both of the other men.

Defeated by Malibran's viciousness in rehearsing her death-scene, she resigned herself to the impromptu imposed upon her, and prepared to follow her Romeo, wherever she might choose to die; but when the evening came, Malibran contrived to die close to the foot-lights and in front of the curtain; Sontag of necessity followed, and fell beside her there; the drop came down, and there lay the two fair corpses in full view of the audience, of course unable to rise or move, till a couple of stage footmen, in red plush breeches, ran in to the rescue, took the dead Capulet and Montague each by the shoulders, and dragged them off at the side scenes; the Spanish woman in the heroism of her maliciousness submitting to this ignominy for the pleasure of subjecting her gentle German rival to it.

He had already paid several visits, and although he carried his liquor well, it was patent to the eyes of his friends he was in that particular stage of inebriation that swamped his meagre stock of good nature and the superficial cleverness which made him an agreeable companion, and set free all the maliciousness of a mind contracted with years and disappointments: he had never made "his pile" and it was current history that he had been refused by every belle of his youth.

Only in respect of its maliciousness he entertained a certain doubt. One morning, a few days later, he was sitting at home working. In the meantime he had been obliged to undertake casual jobs for sailors in the harbor, and now he was soling a pair of sea-boots for a seaman on board a collier.

At the third jump his hat flew off, disclosing the jagged end of a two-by-four. The Happy Family groaned as one man and gave chase. Banjo, with almost human maliciousness, was heading up the road straight toward Chip and the woman doctor and she must be a poor doctor indeed, and a badly frightened one, withal, if she failed to observe a peculiarity in the horse thief's cranium.