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James spoke with the most perfect good nature, still laughing. Then the man's face relaxed into a broad grin. "Didn't know but you were puttin' on lugs," said he.

Stewart put down a cogie and loosened a button of his vest, and with an air of great joviality, that was marred curiously by the odd look his absence of lugs conferred, he winked cunningly at us and slapped the woman in a rough friendship on the shoulder. "Are you thinking yourself " he began, and what he would finish with may be easily guessed.

She keeps right on goin'. Then he runs back 'n' yanks the trolley off, 'n' she begins to slow down. 'Git your trunk an' fetch it to where I stop at! he hollers. 'The cut-off ain't workin' just like it ought-a this mornin'. "We lugs the trunk down to the car 'n' puts her on the back platform. "'That's the way things goes! says Orphy. 'I hadn't figgered on no trunk.

Ye'll have heard tell of Prophet Peden. There was never the wale of him sinsyne, and it's a question wi' mony if there ever was his like afore. He was wild's a peat-hag, fearsome to look at, fearsome to hear, his face like the day of judgment. The voice of him was like a solan's and dinnled in folk's lugs, and the words of him like coals of fire.

"Gien your lordship's hed hed as mony blasts o' nicht win', an' as mony jaups o' cauld sea watter aboot its lugs as oors, it wad hae been fit to stan' as muckle o' the barley bree as the stievest o' the lot, I s' warran'." "I hope so," returned Lord Lossie, who, having taken a seat at the end of the table, was now mixing a tumbler of toddy.

He then ranges the girls all beside one another, and, going to the first, makes her name him she wishes to be her husband; this she does, of coorse, and the priest lugs him in, shutting the door upon the rest.

Now she seems again to stumble upon her neglected prey, and taking it once more in her formidable jaws, she lugs it again for a long helter-skelter jaunt, this time depositing it in the neighborhood of a hole, which at first sight might have been considered an "ant-hole," from the débris which lay scattered about in its vicinity.

Mark and drill the screw holes in the bed. The Valve Gear. We may now attend to the valve gear. A fork must be made for the end of the valve rod, and soldered to it with its slot at right angles to the slots which engage with the valve lugs. Pull the valve forward till the rear port is just uncovered, and turn the eccentric full forward.

A serious wound was given to the mainmast below the hounds, and the yard itself was shivered in the slings. No less than six shot plunged through both lugs, leaving holes in the canvas that made it resemble a beggar's shirt, and the jib-stay was cut in two half-way between the mast-head and the end of the bowsprit.

But Coyote never wilts. He moves so quick no one ever does locate the darkened recess of his garments from which he lugs out that knife; the first p'inter any of 'em gets is that with the same breath wherein Peets puts the six-shooter on him, Coyote's organised in full with a bowie. "'Make a centre shot, you villyun! roars Coyote, an' straight as adders he la'nches himse'f at Peets's neck.