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They went to Ludwig's study, where they refilled their pipes for another smoke. "But tell me, Herr Vice-palatine," said the count, continuing the conversation which had begun at the dining-table, "why is it that six months have been allowed to pass since the Diet passed the militia law without anything having been accomplished?"

A new opera, never yet performed, by a Belgian composer, M. Lassen, "Landgraf Ludwig's Brautfahrt," will be put in rehearsal soon. As far as I am concerned, while He do! is hammering in my head I can enjoy nothing else, either old or new, and dream only of the "Ring of the Nibelung," which God's grace may soon vouchsafe to me. Your F. L. WEYMAR, February 16th, 1857.

She extended her trembling hand, clasped the stem of her glass, and, raising it, continued: "I drink to your toast, Count Vavel! And here is to my dear little daughter, my good little Marie. May God preserve her from all harm!" "You may safely drink to Ludwig's toast," gaily assented Marie, "safely wish that the enemies of your Marie may 'perish miserably, for she has no enemies."

Raising the hag in his arms he bears her off, with no more care for her comfort than if she were a trapped wolf. Nacena is borne more tenderly in Ludwig's arms, into which she has been transferred, by a sort of tacit understanding between him and his cousin the latter walking alongside. No threat hears the girl, nor needs it to enforce silence.

The first experiments with artificial circulation in the isolated heart were made in Ludwig's laboratory, but they were limited to the frog and the inferior vertebrates. Since then experiments on the survival of the heart have multiplied and become classic.

In fact, I remained with them after Schlosser's departure, deserted Ludwig's table, and found myself so much the better off in this society, which was limited to a certain number, as I was very well pleased with the daughter of the family, a very neat, pretty girl, and had opportunities to exchange friendly glances with her, a comfort which I had neither sought nor found by accident since the mischance with Gretchen.

"Zounds!" said his Grace of Ormskirk, all alert, "is old Ludwig dead at last? Why, then, the damned must be holding a notable carnival by this, in honor of his arrival. Hey, but there was a merry rascal, a thorough-paced " He broke off short. He laughed. "What the devil, man! Monsieur de Soyecourt is Ludwig's nephew, I grant you, on the maternal side, but Ludwig left a son.

Ludwig was going to speak, but Marie laid her hand against his lips, and turned again to the telescope. The "green-eyed monster" wanted to see some more! Suddenly her face brightened; a joyful smile wreathed her lips. She seized Ludwig's hand, and exclaimed, in a voice that sounded like a sigh of relief: "What you told me was true, after all! You did not want to deceive me."

The commander of the German vessel glanced at von Ludwig's three companions. "Your officers?" he asked. "Yes. Your officers will be relieved in the morning." "Very well, sir. Then I shall leave you. A safe and successful voyage to you, sir." "The same to you, sir." Von Ludwig, motioning to his companions to remain in the cabin until his return, went on deck with the departing commander.

"Yes; shall and will!" is Ludwig's rejoinder in a tone of determination; their dialogue getting interrupted by Gaspar coming back to the camp-fire, and saying "Now, senoritos! It's high time we had some supper." On making this announcement the gaucho himself sets about preparing their evening repast.