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Updated: August 10, 2024

The loss of Frederic; the destruction of her love-dream; the weary years of lonely wretchedness that would follow the bereavement, were to him only unimportant incidentals to her "affair;" weighed in the scale of his impartial judgment no more than would unconsidered dust.

Forget what I said, remember only that I love you!" And she was content. Around them the twilight darkened into night; the hours came and went unheeded by these two, wrapped in that golden love-dream which for a moment brings Eden back again to this gray old earth, all desolate as it is with centuries of woe and tears.

She became herself, as it were, an actual part of these imaginings, and realized the love-dream of her youth as she saw herself in this type of amorous women whom she had so envied. Besides, Emma felt a satisfaction of revenge. Had she not suffered enough? But now she triumphed, and the love so long pent up burst forth in full joyous bubblings.

"Who ever lost a wife on his wedding-day?" Surely there had never been a love-dream so sweet, so passionate, or so bright as his. Surely there had never been one so rudely broken. Poor little Daisy his wife lying cold and still in death. Even his mother was to be taken from him. The feeble pressure of his mother's hands recalled his wandering thoughts.

Yes, she had followed Tite in her love-dream through all the strange depths of that mysterious ocean. But the more she traced for him the more it seemed to deepen her disappointment. Still hope flattered her lingering love, cheered her, and brightened the star of her future.

"No, no!" hastily interrupted the baronet, with a blush himself, while Adrian's cheek in spite of the recent indictment preserved its smooth pallor in truth, the boy, lost in his first love-dream, had not understood the allusion.

She will hardly be persuaded "though one rose from the dead." Royston Keene had indeed good reason to augur ill of the ending of his love-dream; but it was in his nature always to walk straight on to the accomplishment of his purpose, overlooking the obstacles that lay between and the dangers that lay beyond.

No ordinary game could have tempted me to interrupt the current, of my thoughts, that were dwelling upon a theme to me the most interesting in the world Aurore the quadroon! Yielding up my soul to its sweet love-dream, I wandered on where and how long I cannot tell, for I had taken no note either of distance or direction.

For the first time since Letty had consented to marry him he did not think or say to himself, as he looked at her, that he was a lucky man, and had done everything for the best. Thus, with the end of the honeymoon, whatever hopes or illusions George Tressady had allowed himself in marrying, were already much bedimmed. His love-dream had been meagre and ordinary enough.

Some day you will thank me for it, Rex." They were uttered! Oh, fatal words! Poor Rex, wedded and parted, his love-dream broken, how little he knew of the bitter grief which was to accrue from that promise wrung from his white lips. Like one in a dream he heard her murmur the name of Pluma Hurlhurst. The power of speech seemed denied him; he knew what she meant.

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