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I have dreamed my sweet love-dream, and it is over, and the roses have grown above my buried hopes. Since then I have let one idea fill my life to the exclusion of everything else, putting away from me all desires and thoughts of other needs; and that too has left me. I call it an "idea" for lack of a better name.

She became herself, as it were, an actual part of these imaginings, and realised the love-dream of her youth as she saw herself in this type of amorous women whom she had so envied. Besides, Emma felt a satisfaction of revenge. Had she not suffered enough? But now she triumphed, and the love so long pent up burst forth in full joyous bubblings.

Twenty-four hours ago she would not have protested at this man's intrusion, but to-night the glamor of the love-dream was still upon her, the idyll of her romance echoed in her ears and would admit no other voice. "Willy," she said firmly, "you know that you cannot stop. My father would never forgive me. He has absolutely forbidden you the house."

What a setting for a love-dream. No wonder Paul trod on air! The only possible crumpled rose-leaves were some sentences in the lady's reply to his impassioned letter of the morning: "Yes, I will come, Paul but only on one condition, that you never ask me questions as to who I am, or where I am going.

She turned from the manuscript she had been studying, and without it her fingers suddenly found the chords, and her lips the words, and the melody floated out with them into the stillness, low, trembling, and passionate as the burden of a love-dream, a wonder to hear. But she scarcely heard it herself, for it came unconsciously.

At any rate, in March, 1623, James Howell, waiting as secretary of the romantic mission the bursting of the iridescent love-dream which had brought Charles Stuart, Prince of Wales, from England to woo the sister of the Spanish king in Madrid, had leisure to write one of his most delightful "familiar letters" concerning the Escorial to a friend in London.

She felt more than ever the mournful change which had come over her, when it happened that great success was won by one of her later pictures a picture unconsciously created from the inspiration of that sweet love-dream.

And as Elsie softened into gentler earnestness, and drew closer to him day by day, Tom became so completely engrossed in his happy love-dream that he had not a single thought beyond it. In her loneliness and her anxieties which separated her so completely from those three hearts, Elizabeth Mellen watched, sighed sometimes, whispering to herself: "She has taken even Tom from me.

In a blessed love-dream, he had been led to a garden where, beneath a miraculous tree, he had beheld vision promising fulfilment to love's wildest desire! a woman of all-surpassing beauty: Eve, in the garden of Paradise.... In a poet's waking dream, he had been lured by the crystal murmur of a spring up a steep path.

From the breast-pocket of his coat he took the cluster of daisies he had gone through the storm on his wedding-night to gather. He was waiting until the monument should arrive before he could gather courage to tell Pluma the sorrowful story of his love-dream. All at once he remembered the letter a stranger had handed him outside of the entrance gate.