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Updated: August 8, 2024

The collapse had been so complete. I suppose the blade stopped the heart dead," said Mr. Flexen. "Absolutely dead," said the doctor. "But the thing is that I can't swear to it that the wound was not self-inflicted. Knowing Lord Loudwater, I could swear to it morally. There isn't the ghost of a chance that he took his own life.

Her lips had been set and almost thin; now they grew most kissable. Lord Loudwater finished his breakfast, the scowl on his face fading slowly to a frown. He lit a cigar and with a moody air went to his smoking-room. The criminal carelessness of the cat Melchisidec still rankled. As he entered the room, half office and half smoking-room, Mr. Herbert Manley, his secretary, bade him good morning.

Carruthers. "And how did Lady Loudwater take it?" said Mr. Flexen. "Twitcher said that she denied everything, and did not appear at all upset about it. Of course, she was used to Lord Loudwater's making scenes. He had a most dreadful temper." "M'm," said Mr. Flexen, and he played a tune on the table with his finger-tips, frowning thoughtfully.

He took his leave of the dejected lawyer. Outside Mr. Carrington's office he stood still, hesitating. He could have caught a train back to Low Wycombe, but he could not bring himself to take it. He could not at once tear himself away from London and Mr. Manley. He must sleep on the new facts in the Loudwater case. He went to his club, engaged a bedroom, and dined there. Mr. and Mrs.

Yet, for all the unfamiliar simplicity of the scene, the ceremony did not lack dignity, or impressiveness. At the end of it Olivia felt herself very much more the wife of Antony Grey than she had ever felt herself the wife of Lord Loudwater. They dined in a private dining-room at the "Ritz," and Olivia found the dinner delightful.

He looked into Colonel Grey's grey eyes, and cold and hard they were, weighing him. Then he said: "Lord Loudwater threatened to hound you out of the Army, I'm told." "Among other things," said Grey carelessly. Mr. Flexen guessed that the other things were threats to divorce Lady Loudwater. "That would have been a very serious blow to you," he said. "You're quite right," said Colonel Grey. Mr.

"Certainly his talking cannot do any good in any case. And I have gathered that Lady Loudwater has suffered quite enough already from her husband." "I'm sure she has; and I do hope you will be able to keep that young man quiet," said Mrs. Carruthers, moving towards the door. As she opened it, she paused and said: "Will you be here to lunch, Mr. Flexen?" "To lunch and probably all the afternoon."

Flexen was inclined to think that either of them might take it. Mr. Manley's confident declaration that they were both creatures of strong emotions had impressed him. He felt that Colonel Grey, under the impulse to save Lady Loudwater, would stick at very little; and he was used to violence and to hold human life cheap.

He was quite sure that both of them had lied about the dead man's snoring. But it was plain that either had lied with a different object. Lady Loudwater had lied to make it appear that her husband had been alive at midnight. Colonel Grey had lied to make it appear that he was dead at a quarter-past eleven. But Mr.

She came out of the library window at about a quarter-past eleven after a violent quarrel with Lord Loudwater. Colonel Grey came out of the library window at about twenty-five minutes past eleven, after a distressing interview with Lady Loudwater, apparently in a very bad temper.

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