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Updated: August 10, 2024

The discharge considerably lessened from one ear, but that from the other has increased. Continue the lotion and apply a seton. 22d. The dog, probably neglected at home, was sent to me. Both ears were as bad as ever. 25th. The dog is perfectly unmanageable when the lotion is poured into the ear, but submits when an ointment is applied. Continue the alteratives. 30th.

His eyes was bound up mostly; he had a big shade over 'em, and was half the night swabbing and poulticing, and putting lotion into 'em. He'd got sandy blight that bad it would take months to get right. Once you get a touch like that it's a terror, I can tell you. I've had it that bad myself I had to be led about. After a lot of talking, that Jim was to try his luck as the Rev. Mr.

He quieted the raving with his hypodermic needle, removed the amateurish bandage from the hand and the arm, looked at the wound, applied a cooling lotion, and dexterously wound on a fresh bandage. It seemed very little, Mary Hope thought dully, for a doctor to come all the way from Lava to do. He would stay all night, he said.

Cold water constantly applied to the swollen joint, was the first thing that was suggested; but, simple as was the lotion, it was not easy to obtain it in sufficient quantities.

"I'll do anything for you, Miss Elizabeth," was the reply, as the woman took the bottle of lotion and departed. Beth smiled. "That was not a bad thought," she said to herself, again starting for the gardens. "I have made a firm friend and done a kindly action at the same time and all while Cousin Louise is fast asleep."

Rose Duval, who, as a result of a white tumour, had a hole in her left elbow, large enough to accommodate a walnut, was able to watch and follow the prompt action of the new flesh in filling up this cavity! The Widow Fromond, with a lip half decoyed by a cancerous formation, merely had to apply the miraculous water to it as a lotion, and not even a red mark remained.

The gloves may be sterilised by steam, and are then put on dry, or by boiling, in which case they are put on wet. The gauntlet of the glove should overlap and confine the end of the sleeve of the sterilised overall, and the gloved hands are rinsed in lotion before and at frequent intervals during the operation.

In point of fact, this Paste and this Lotion possess amazing properties which act upon the skin without prematurely wrinkling it, the inevitable result of drugs thoughtlessly employed, and sold in these days by ignorance and cupidity.

I extracted the two loose teeth, cleaned the others, and ordered a lotion of equal parts of tincture of myrrh and water to be applied. '13th August', 1842. A very considerable discharge of pus was observed, with blood from the mouth, apparently proceeding from the cavity whence one of the teeth had been extracted.

Jackey being then in a somewhat precarious state of health, and tolerably advanced in life, without any very self-evident heir, was obnoxious to the attentions of three distinct litters of cousins, some one or other of whom was constantly 'baying him. Lotion, though a sapient man, and somewhat grinding in his practice, did not profess to grind old people young again, and feeling he could do very little for the body corporate, directed his attention to amusing Jackey's mind, and anything in the shape of gossip was extremely acceptable to the doctor to retail to his patient.

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