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And as Alice said this, the tears glistened in her blue eyes, as the dew-drops sparkle through the sunlight in the violets. "We'll go and see her now," continued she; "and I'll show you two other little exiled princesses." And she took Lolly and Maddie down by the brook-side, and bade them look in her great mirror; and there they saw themselves and Alice all children of the great King.

"Well, Uncle Pennywait may be fooling you a little," said Aunt Lolly, "but I did see him cutting some eyes from the potatoes." Hal and Mab looked at one another. They did not know what to think now. It was seldom that both Aunt Lolly and Uncle Pennywait joked at the same time.

They all like horses same as me and I pay them all I can afford and will do more for them when things pick up and grow. "Now there's people as laugh about me hiring Hank Lolly. I guess it's the first time Hank has ever held a job longer than a week. But I tell you, Grandma, I like Hank and I understand him.

When the fire was under control he had turned up at Mrs. Kirkham's, saying he had thought "Miss Lolly" would be there. Then he had taken Lorry's jewel box from under his coat and held it out to her, answering her surprise with a series of smiling nods.

I think you will like this game as well as any you have ever played, for not only will it be fun, but it will give you work to do, and the best fun in the world is learning to make fun of your work. And don't forget the prize!" "What's the prize for?" asked Hal. "For the one who has the best little garden, whether it is Hal, Mab, Uncle Pennywait, Aunt Lolly, Mother or myself.

Maddie gladly agreed to this; and Lolly gave herself up to the gentle hands of her new friend, who took her to the brook and washed her face until the dirt all vanished and her cheeks were like two red roses.

Soon after the mother went away, and left Alice to put the room in order; and, when all things were right, Alice said "she could go with Lolly as well as not that day, and they would make a pretty place of the shabby cottage; for it was just in the best spot so wild and shady and green."

And he is the only man in Green Valley who ever seriously hired Hank Lolly and kept him sober twelve hours at a stretch. The other business men make considerable fun of Billy's hired help; the trifling boys he hires, boys that everybody else has tried and sent packing. Billy says nothing though he did explain fully to Grandma Wentworth once. "You see it's like this, Grandma.

And, settling herself again, she dropped off into a heavier slumber; while Lolly, seeing that it would do no good to disturb her, dressed herself and went into the other room. Her mother was baking a cake, and her father sat near, idle. Both looked surprised to see Lolly up so early.

Maddie ran into the cottage and hid behind the door, like a foolish little girl; but Lolly sat still, very glad that the good teacher was coming to speak to her, yet trembling with a sort of nervous fear; because she was a shy little girl, and so seldom saw strangers.