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In the American mind and in the colonial mind there is, as contrasted with the old English mind, a LITERALNESS, a tendency to say, "The facts are so-and-so, whatever may be thought or fancied about them". We used before the civil war to say that the Americans worshipped the almighty dollar; we now know that they can scatter money almost recklessly when they will.

You're kindly welcome to Monk Grange, but you're only a haverel to look at. Take a seat, and tell me how's Emmanuel, my brother?" "He was well when I saw him the day before yesterday: at least he said nothing to the contrary," answered Alick with his conscientious literalness. "I like that," said Keziah, also eying him, but as a colley might have eyed a strange sheep, not a wolf.

"Still we can't be certain how much of all this may be owing to the mere mannerisms of successive schools of art," urged Müller, sticking manfully to his own opinion. "Where will you find a more decided mannerist than Holbein? And because he was the first portrait-painter of his day, was he not reproduced with all his faults of literalness and dryness by a legion of imitators?

"Well, Suzanna," said Maizie solemnly, "then you've broken the silver chain that ties you to me and to Peter and the baby and to daddy and mother. You don't belong to us any more you're an Only Child." Maizie's literalness drew a new vivid picture for Suzanna. She had cut herself from those she loved.

From a table near by the materials were brought, and the Emir, again upon his knees, wrote as his master dictated. The paper need not be given in full. Enough that it covered with uncommon literalness for the Conqueror's memory was prodigious the suggestions of the Prince of India already quoted respecting the duties of the agent in Constantinople.

If the high educational standard presented in the scholastic treatise of Barclay and the moral philosophy of Dymond has been lowered or disowned by many who, still retaining the name of Quakerism, have lost faith in the vital principle wherein precious testimonials of practical righteousness have their root, and have gone back to a dead literalness, and to those materialistic ceremonials for leaving which our old confessors suffered bonds and death, Haverford, at least, has been in a good degree faithful to the trust committed to it.

Rachel read what she chose, reading with the curious literalness of one to whom written sentences are unfamiliar, and handling words as though they were made of wood, separately of great importance, and possessed of shapes like tables or chairs.

I had been in the room twenty-seven minutes, but I didn't agree with Selwyn that Miss Swink was in love with his brother. Her engagement to him was due, I imagined, not so much to her literalness as to her mother's management. An unholy desire to demonstrate that the latter was not of a scientific kind possessed me, and quickly my mind worked. With eyes apparently on Mrs.

Even the inanimate world is not the same to the wife as it is to the girl. Marriage for woman seems to alter the form, color, scent and effect of material things, giving them a character of pathos, if not of sadness, which they never wore in the pleasant days when the body owed no service to a master, and the mind was, in very literalness, fancy-free.

As we alighted at the school-house, we listened through the open panel with comfort to the final but vociferous refrain of "He will carry you through," and entered in time to take our seats for the class. Elder Skates stood with a lesson paper in his hand, from which he asked questions with painful literalness and adherence to the text.