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Thus, as a captain of salvation, he leadeth them out as a conqueror; having paid the price, he delivereth also by power and authority from the hand of this jailor. And thus we see how he answereth our case and necessity, and is a fit way for us; and though this be not questioned, yet little is it believed and considered, and less put in practice.

Down sprang Fidelis to look anxiously on Beltane's face, pale and haggard in the light of a great moon. Says Beltane, looking round about with knitted brow: "Fidelis O Fidelis, methinks I know this place these rocks the pool yonder there should be a road hereabout, the great road that leadeth to Mortain. Climb now the steep and tell me an you can see a road, running north and south."

"He leadeth me by the green pastures and beside the quiet waters," she said to herself: and her heart swelled with pleasure to think that it was those who had been so old, and so weary and poor, who had this rest to console them for all their sorrows.

As David also sang in the twenty-third Psalm: 'The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. Knowledge, then, is a minister; but every congregation has not such a minister set over it as Knowledge is. All our college-bred and ordained men are not ministers like Knowledge.

But afterwards coming back to the situation, he grasped the hand of the magician, and said, full of politeness and policy: "Well! Up thither leadeth the way, there is the cave of Zarathustra. In it mayest thou seek him whom thou wouldst fain find. And ask counsel of mine animals, mine eagle and my serpent: they shall help thee to seek. My cave however is large.

Truth is a spear Thrown by the blind. Truth is a Nemesis Which leadeth her belovèd by the hand Through all things; giving him no task to break A bruisèd reed, but bidding him stand firm Though she crush worlds." Take, for its wondrous pathos and truth, the description of "Infancy:"

This, O learned one, is all that I tell thee." It leadeth the senses, and it is in consequence of that Seed that Surya shineth. It is that Seed which entering into luminous bodies giveth light and heat. Without deriving its light and heat from any other thing it is self-luminous, and is an object of terror to all luminous bodies.

Presently, she sayeth, 'Set down here; and when I have done so, she giveth me an empty crate she hath ready and, taking my hand, leadeth me back to the Wazir's Gardens, the place where she bound my eyes, and there removeth the bandage and giveth me ten silver bits."

"The Sachem hath discontent with his young man," he observed, "and from this may he understand the nature of that which leadeth many to quit the land of their fathers, beneath the rising sun, to come to this wilderness in the west. If he will now listen, I will touch further on the business of my errand, and deal more at large with the subject we have but so lightly skimmed."

He leadeth me in ways of justice, in the ways of holiness, in the ways which the saints have walked. How exceeding great, indeed, is our privilege, and how certain and individual our election! All that remains to us is to listen to His words and to follow Him, and present peace will attend our labors, while future glory waits upon our end.