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Father Xavier was his confidant as well as confessor, but he seems not to have been able to disperse the gloom which settled over the leader's mind. Perhaps he did not endeavor to do so. Hopeless but still true to his trust, La Salle constructed near Peoria a fort which he named Crèvecoeur, in token of his despondency and disappointment.

During his leader's illness he acquired the initiative, and proclaimed the doctrine that all factions constitute a division of power, that they weaken the state, and are therefore treasonable combinations. On March 4, Hébert called the people to arms against the government of Moderates. The attempt failed, and Robespierre, by a large expenditure of money, had Paris on his side.

"Yipe!" he muttered. "What a row that would be." He shrugged, got out of his chair, and walked out into the corridor. "Better get it over with," he told himself. As he approached the leader's door, it opened, and Ward Kirk came out. He closed the door with a careful gentleness, then faced it for an instant.

That accursed stinging smoke! Wait, you dogs! As soon as the pathway widens, we'll run you down with scant ceremony, and may the gods deprive me of a day of life for each one I spare! Another torch out! One can't see one's hand before one's face! At a time like this a beggar's crutch would be better than a leader's staff"

"Then," he proceeded, "I'll exercise my authority by asking you to lay out in front of each tent everything you have brought with you." "Including our clothes?" Bella asked. "Assuredly," said Crestwick. "You can put them in a heap; it's the quantity and not the cut that counts." It was evident that the leader's first instructions were received with little favor.

The light of their lanterns extinguished, they stepped out of the shaft and once more on the hard snow crust. "Now, take the magneto back about two hundred feet, leaving the wires stretched on the snow," whispered Dolph. "Who's that coming?" Josh demanded, in sudden alarm, clutching his leader's sleeve. For an instant all three men quailed. But they remained silent, peering.

The old school-master heard it with a lowered head, with the proud obedience with which a cavalier would receive his leader's orders. Was not the leader a knights the knight of truest courage? All that was high, chivalric in the old man sprang up to own him Lord.

I no longer wondered at Edmund's ability to converse with her, for I felt that, with a little instruction, and more of our leader's mental penetration, I could do it myself. At times I shrank from encountering her gaze, for I verily believed that she read my inmost thoughts.

The sailor resisted his eloquence and refused to proceed, uttering mutinous threats. against his leader's life.

By the new courage that came into the hearts of Israel with their leader's song, the Lord shortened the conflict to fit the day, and the sunset and the moonrise saw the Valley of Aijalon swept clean of Israel's foes. They were as grave as the storks, in their solemn plumage of black and white, which were parading philosophically along the edge of a marsh to our right.