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Updated: August 10, 2024

'Now to give you an idea of the powers I had as a spectator of the coming conflict, I must tell you that the Mole of Genoa is semicircular, all the land rises in hills and terraces from the water, and the ship lay in that part of the semicircle next the Porta della Lanterna, and not above 300 to 400 yards from the whole field of battle.

'I got quickly down to my boat and pulled across the mole to the Porta della Lanterna, and found no interruption from the sea to the works above, till I came to the gate; here of course I had to wait till all the forms were gone through which state of war required. I found the General had gone to St.

A letter from General La Marmora: dated 'La Lanterna, 9 April, '49. Three o'clock. STATO MAGGIORE, QUARTIER GENERALE, della 6 Divisione, addi 1849. 'J'aurai des depeches tres importantes a vous communiquer. Si ce n'est pas une indiscretion je vous prierai de passer un moment ici d'autant plus que j'espere le Sindic de la ville voudra y venir aussi ainsi que je l'ai invite.

On the afternoon of the 3rd, as I was walking slowly from post to post towards the Porta della Lanterna I heard the crack of a musket, followed by eight or nine in rapid succession; there was great stir in the streets immediately and the generale was beat, and the tocsin began to sound.

'I found La Marmora at the Lanterna; he now drew up a paper in accordance with mine, giving life and property to all, with a promise to intercede with the King to-morrow; the punishment of the leaders to as few as possible; with this I again returned to the ducal palace. 'Before leaving him he proposed to cease his fire on the city till my return.

He also pressed forward along the road towards the city's first strong position, but his men got on but slowly, for the houses and points that afforded cover were well contested, and he lost many men. 'However, now he had got possession of the batteries of the Lanterna, mounting 19 guns, 68- and 32-pounders, with which he began to thunder away about 1 o'clock on the town.

'I then, after visiting his batteries, went on board. Whilst standing in the battery of the Lanterna his men, after begging me to bob under the parapet and then trying to pull me down, were surprised to hear that on board ship, bobbing was tabooed to me, and therefore we were not accustomed to do so, but, as I told them, I had not the least objection to their doing so.

Beyond the Sierra de Lanterna the Grand River was joined by the Green River, streaming down through gullied plateaux from the deserts of Utah and the mountains which tower between Oregon and Nebraska. Henceforward, still locked in Titanic defiles or flanked by Cyclopean débris, they were on the Colorado of the West. Thurstane meditated as to what course he should follow.

After adventures off Monaco, San Remo, Noli, and elsewhere, the party are glad to make the famous phones on the Torre della Lanterna, of which banker Rogers sings in his mediocre verse: Thy pharos Genoa first displayed itself Burning in stillness on its rocky seat; That guiding star so oft the only one, When those now glowing in the azure vault Are dark and silent

At five I was at the landing place of the Porta della Lanterna, when as soon as I landed, the Piedmontese sentry fired right at me at about three yards' distance, and ran as fast as he could, the ball passed quite close to my right. I came up with him, and took his musket from him, shaking it I found it had just been discharged.

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