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Updated: August 15, 2024

Jesus, reading his heart, loved him, and longed to have him know the truth. "Yet lackest thou one thing," he said, "sell all that thou hast and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." When he heard these words the young man turned away and lost the eager look with which he had come to the Lord's feet.

Yet with so much that was admirable in mind and heart, of him it might be said, as it was of one of old, "One thing thou lackest."

So he stayed and fell to looking wistfully at the gleam and glitter of those fair things, till one of the aforesaid knaves came to his side and said: "Fair Sir, surely thou lackest somewhat; what have we here for thy needs?"

Complete therefore this thy good deed, even by taking away from this city a name which is the name of kings. All that thou hast we will duly render thee; nay more, if thou lackest anything, we will supply it bountifully.

"Methinks," said the Saracen, "if all thou lackest were some such distant meteoric glimpse of happiness as thou hadst formerly, thy beacon-light might be rekindled, thy hope fished up from the ocean in which it has sunk, and thou thyself, good knight, restored to the exercise and amusement of nourishing thy fantastic fashion upon a diet as unsubstantial as moonlight; for, if thou stood'st tomorrow fair in reputation as ever thou wert, she whom thou lovest will not be less the daughter of princes and the elected bride of Saladin."

"Over there." "Where's there?" "On the stile. She's always there when we're out, except she's looking after me." "Thou lackest looking after." "Philip Tye said he'd see to me: and then he went off with Jem Morris, bird-nesting." "Cruel lads! well, you're a proper lot! It'd do you good, and me too, to give you a caning all round. I shall have to let be to-night, for I want to find Cicely."

The rich young ruler had a first-class record as to morality and the outward observance of the law of God, yet Jesus said to him, "One thing thou lackest," and that one thing was perfect love, for He added, "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor," and then interjecting a promise, "Thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come take up the cross and follow Me."

Then laughed Brynhild Budli's daughter, Once, once only, From out her heart; When to her bed Was borne the sound Of the sore greeting Of Giuki's daughter. Then, quoth Gunnar, The king, the hawk-bearer, "Whereas, thou laughest, O hateful woman, Glad on thy bed, No good it betokeneth: Why lackest thou else Thy lovely hue? Feeder of foul deeds, Fey do I deem thee,

But between us lies this difference I am conscious of all my many lives, but thou lackest remembrance of thine." In the Mahabarata is said: "Even as when he casteth off an old garment, man clothes himself in new raiment, even so the soul, casting off the wornout body, takes on a new body, avoids the fatal paths leading to hell, works for its salvation, and proceeds toward heaven."

This gowned traitor hath a key to all the gates. Hear him I will ply the superstition of the Greeks, and draw them from the walls with a prophecy." Phranza was able to cry out: "Oh! that so brave a prince, so good a master should be at the mercy of of such a" "With all thy learning, I see thou lackest a word.

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