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One had been the other night when Kerr's eyes had looked through and through her; and here she was again, when she was going to a girls' luncheon, and most wanted to feel competent, stared out of countenance by the wonderful eye of a ring. Through the long afternoon it was more apparent to her than the faces of the people around her.

It led on toward Kerr's ranch, defiance in its very boldness. Kerr himself must have done that job. One man had little chance of stopping such assaults, now they had begun, on a front of twenty miles.

She had made it out all clear in her mind that this was the right thing to do. It hadn't occurred to her she had made it out only on the hypothesis of Kerr's certainly going. It had not occurred to her that she might have to make her great moral move in the dark; or, what was worse, in the face of his most gallant resistance.

Violet smiled, and blushed, and was conscience-stricken, not at the thought of going away to leave her mother one day, as Mrs Kerr's daughters had done, but because she knew she had never really been much help to her mother either at the sewing or the house-keeping not half so much as Davie had been since Debby went away.

He folded it small, put it in a pocket of the garment, which he hung on the foot of his bed. An inspiration directed the act. Tomorrow he would ride forth clothed in the calfskin vest, with the bright handkerchief that he had worn on the Sunday at Misery when he won Grace Kerr's scented trophy. For sentimental reasons only; purely sentimental reasons.

The Sheriff, however, continued to clutch them. 'You ask him, was the order of the stranger to Kerr, 'he dare not refuse you. Reluctantly the Sheriff handed them to the stranger, who quickly glanced over them. 'Is this all? he demanded. 'Yes, that is all, snapped the Sheriff. 'Where is the warrant for Kerr's arrest? 'None of your business where it is.

Such was the substance of James Kerr's testimony, which perfectly corroborated that of the lad Ferguson, and greatly damaged that of Rose Cameron. The hotel waiter happened to be among those who had cast all their worldly interests to the winds, abandoned their callings of whatever sort, and come at all risk of consequences to be present at the trial.

For Kerr's escape Flora had been holding the ring, fighting off events, and yet all the while she had not wanted to lose the sight of him. Well, now, when she had made up her mind finally to resign herself to the dreariness of that, might he not at least have done his part of it and decently disappeared? So much he might have done for her.

"Don't hurt him, boys," admonished a third voice, which he knew for Berry Kerr's "this is the young man who has come to the Bad Lands with a mission. He's going to teach people to take off their hats to barbed-wire fences. I wouldn't have him hurt for a keg of nails." He came near Lambert now, put a hand on his shoulder, and asked him with a gentle kindness how he felt.

Simple he was, sitting there on top of that hammering old cattle car that sunny afternoon, the dust of the road in his three-day-old beard, his barked willow prod-pole between his knees; simple as a ballad that children sing, simple as a homely tune. Well, of course he had kept Grace Kerr's little handkerchief, for reasons that he could not quite define.